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POLL - RVR - What would make you play more?

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Poll: Which of these would make you want to play more RVR

Remove nerf to PVE farming so you can get in the real action sooner.
Remove nerf to RVR quest gold gain
Increased XP/RR/Influence gain in the lower tiers (RVR/SC)
Genesis drops in RVR (be it at a very low rate, not quite fortune set, but low)
Conq gear drops from kills
More viable gear options (Not more power creep, just more options for dif stat combinations)
more medallion drops
All of the above
Other (comment below)
Total votes: 395

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POLL - RVR - What would make you play more?

Post#1 » Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:11 pm

Curious what would get people out in the lakes more. These are obviously not all the possible options and I included an other section for people to state their opinion if it was not listed. This is entirely subjective so be respectful and hopefully this won't get locked :D

Edit: Make sure to vote other on the actual poll so the results aren't off in comparison with the discussion below. Thanks!
Last edited by freshour on Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: POLL - RVR - What would make you play more?

Post#2 » Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:15 pm

Nothing. The current ORvR campaign is the worst one in both WAR and RoR history, imo. It's slow, boring and grindy.

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Re: POLL - RVR - What would make you play more?

Post#3 » Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:18 pm

None of the above, but rather having more people online with whom to make parties and having more enemies online whom to kill. :)
Even Conq gear is earned faster if you have more enemies to kill which in turn drop more medals. Outside of EU evenings its dreadfully slow at times, you can easily roam lakes and not encounter anything to kill during off hours.

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Re: POLL - RVR - What would make you play more?

Post#4 » Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:19 pm

It will be nice to see how the changes to t1 orvr will hold in the t4 zones. It will be nice to spread out the zerg and force them to cover all bo's
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Re: POLL - RVR - What would make you play more?

Post#5 » Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:30 pm

There's only scenarios and RvR in terms of playing. And you can't do both since we cant join queue in WB.

Which means people have to choose.

RvR can be really long and boring process, i dont where it comes from - WAR itself or some specific RoR changes(tho it looks like the original foundation itself is just bad).
Need less penalties for dying - no battle fatigue, no res sickness. Respawn variants within the zone to cut on travel times(they just make RvR boring) like on BOs or deployable beacons.
Tho i guess many people here would disagree with me, considering overall "hardcore" mood among devs and old players
zabis wrote:It will be nice to see how the changes to t1 orvr will hold in the t4 zones. It will be nice to spread out the zerg and force them to cover all bo's
Those changes look promising, i suppose BO capture mechanic will work a lot better in populated/organized T4 than it does now in half-empty T1
Oh and i love those portals and secondary WCs!
Last edited by Grock on Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: POLL - RVR - What would make you play more?

Post#6 » Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:31 pm

Aurandilaz wrote:None of the above, but rather having more people online with whom to make parties and having more enemies online whom to kill. :)
Even Conq gear is earned faster if you have more enemies to kill which in turn drop more medals. Outside of EU evenings its dreadfully slow at times, you can easily roam lakes and not encounter anything to kill during off hours.
it's BIS, nothing will happen, and there are quests etc. to get it, besides that new gear for vertical gear progression is coming by PQs if I'm right. If there should be dropping one things randomly in the lakes it's jewels (my suggestion, cause progression feels in that department strange (do ToK, spend enourmos amounts on gold in the AH for a meh one, hope for the best (aka blue bag, which is sometimes even not the best) and perhabs the subjugator cloack, cause it's meh for a purple bag, if you get it, it feels like drawing a blank.

For Endgame:
+ plausible BO timers
+ zone lock progress goes faster if keep is taken, make keeplord a bit harder and more "helpfull" for that in exchange
+ PQ22 gear release
+ BL overhauled and reanbled

For the "scrub" department:
+ buff quest and PQ exp, grinding exp is ok, PvP ep is very good
+ incentive for returning players (welcome back package with RR pots or something)
+ recruit a friend option (new acc gets on first char bonus EP), So I could level with one of my german retard friends <:-)

feels like my choppa is **** atm, can't get anything on my BO, so I log for warbands.
but ofc patches are not made for me. (why actually not? :D )
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Re: POLL - RVR - What would make you play more?

Post#7 » Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:33 pm

Better RvR campaign. More SC support for the 6 man scene.

I'm leery about this new t1 mechanic... we need more gear choices and build variability imo.. not just builds but stats should matter more. Meaning the return you get for stats should be increased. Wounds provide more HP, strength/int provide more damage increase, toughness provide more damage decrease.

The point would be, deciding between 1 tali slot between wounds or strength doesn't matter enough. The choice between using RR for stats vs something else like more crit, doesn't matter enough. We lack build choice. Even a tank rolling full strength, at the loss of wounds/tough/etc. Isn't breaking his archetype so there is less experimentation and less build diversity. Everyone stacks the same old sets. Etc. Gearing is far too linear.

Currency rate exchange from lower to higher tiers should be 2:1, not 5:1. Would encourage more to actually level via RvR and SCs so at t4 They can nearly insta buy merc and annihilater.
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Re: POLL - RVR - What would make you play more?

Post#8 » Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:35 pm

Toonman wrote:Nothing. The current ORvR campaign is the worst one in both WAR and RoR history, imo. It's slow, boring and grindy.
I wonder how trivial it would be to change the 90s VP tick timer to 30s, maybe clamp the amount of time BO's take to flip to a maximum amount of 6 minutes.

Small suggestions are better than blatant complaints.
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Re: POLL - RVR - What would make you play more?

Post#9 » Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:41 pm

Please keep it civil guys. This isn't a "I HATE THE GAME" poll. It is just a simple question. I made the options the way they are because I saw a thread on literally every single option listed. But I included the "other" option to allow you to interject your opinion and hopefully do it in a decent manner.....And I thought it was a good break from all the OP/NERF threads that have been rampant lately.

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Re: POLL - RVR - What would make you play more?

Post#10 » Wed Jul 19, 2017 4:43 pm

th3gatekeeper wrote:The point would be, deciding between 1 tali slot between wounds or strength doesn't matter enough. The choice between using RR for stats vs something else like more crit, doesn't matter enough. We lack build choice. Even a tank rolling full strength, at the loss of wounds/tough/etc. Isn't breaking his archetype so there is less experimentation and less build diversity. Everyone stacks the same old sets. Etc. Gearing is far too linear.
I think Azarael actually wanted to remove build variants whatsoever(in terms of stats) to make it easier to balance.
But my memory could be failing me :)

th3gatekeeper wrote:Currency rate exchange from lower to higher tiers should be 2:1, not 5:1. Would encourage more to actually level via RvR and SCs so at t4 They can nearly insta buy merc and annihilater.
That makes sense actually :)
Transition from T3 to T4 is extremely punishing, even more so than in other tiers because there's much more vertical progression in T4.
Considering Merc/Anni are basically starting gear for T4 i dont see any problem making them easier to get.
After all you can already get them quite fast by exchanging conq meds, but i imagine those can be pretty hard to get for average PUGging T4 newcomer.
Orkni 85+ (in-game Grock is not me...)

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