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[Review] [Slayer/Choppa]Runic Blessings/Keep it Comin'

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[Review] [Slayer/Choppa]Runic Blessings/Keep it Comin'

Post#1 » Wed Oct 11, 2017 8:26 am

Identify the issue:

Both tactics (being the same for both classes) are useless in a manner that whenever it pops the player ends up being (in most cases) free renown for the enemy ressurecting with very low health pool and dealing low amount of damage. Also the player would have to slot it in place of much stronger tactics, therefore nobody is using it.


There are few solutions for this tactics to work without being overly powered in the process (the first one being my favourite)

1. Give the player an option to ressurect where he died or release at the spawn point (warcamp, scenario respawn spot) with 10 second to chose an option (similair as when player get ressurection from healer). This would allow the slayer/choppa to decide if he wants to join the fray if he see that the fight is still going on or release at a safe spot without feeding the opposing side with renown. 10 seconds window to decide would stop the player from exploiting it's use with backdoor tactics spawning behind enemy lines and would be enough to make a decision how to respond to the situation on the battlefield. Keep the damage and low health pool as it is in original state.

2. Ressurect the player immidiately with bigger health pool: 50% at least (75% could be too much, up to discussion), even with this solution the player would be an easy target and potential free renown but at least it would give enough time for healers to react and heal him up. Edit: optional, giving player the choice of ressing or not as it was brought in discussion by several players

3. Ressurect the player immidiately with the low health pool (25% as original) but boost the damage done upon getting up. It does 250damage according to carreer builder, if it would deal twice that damage (which of course would scale with points invested in the according mastery tree) it would be a nice damage dealer which could potentially put pressure on the closest enemies.

4. If the solution no. 3. seems too powerful (damage done upon getting up could be scaled up to over 1k damage aoe, needs some testing tho) the increase of damage could be done not to all of the enemies in the 40 yard range but only to the 3 closest ones.

[Lore input :D]Options 3 and 4 are fitting into slayer lore which seeks his ultimate doom and is intending to take his opoonent down with him in the process.

We need to remember that this tactic is high up in the mastery tree (12 points needed to unlock).
Another thing is the chance of getting up, 100% chance would be too powerful but I believe 50% chance would be enough for a tactic that is so high in the mastery. Utilizing this tactic can prove useful for slayers/choppas that want to rely more on a survivability rather than pure damage output, at R40RR40 one can go and stray from the usual 'go-to' builds (in case of a slayer ID+SL+HealDebuff) and merge it with another builds like Rune of Absorbtion/Furious Choppin'
Last edited by szejoza on Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Slayer/Choppa]Runic Blessings/Keep it Comin' tactics

Post#2 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:12 pm

Moving to discussions.

Question, do you get rez sickness when the tactic procs?

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Re: [Slayer/Choppa]Runic Blessings/Keep it Comin' tactics

Post#3 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:20 pm

It is not enough that this tactic was created incorrectly, In addition is bugged and needs repair.
Once my slayer was resurrected 6 times in a row and the same number of times I was killed instantly. Other times did not get this option at all so I stop use this tactic at all...

In my opinion, we should have more time to decide if we want to get up and continue fight.

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Re: [Slayer/Choppa]Runic Blessings/Keep it Comin' tactics

Post#4 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:21 pm

Just to let people know, as I have already spoke to Penril, Runic Blessings tactics doesn't seem to work right now, tried dying in different locations to different enemies (PvE, RvR) and after around 20 deaths I didn't get any pop up ressurection from this tactic. Don't know how the situation for Choppa looks like but as it is 100% mirror of Slayer version my assumption is that it is in the same spot

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Re: [Slayer/Choppa]Runic Blessings/Keep it Comin' tactics

Post#5 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:22 pm

Skalier wrote:It is not enough that this tactic was created incorrectly, In addition is bugged and needs repair.
Once my slayer was resurrected 6 times in a row and the same number of times I was killed instantly. Other times did not get this option at all so I stop use this tactic at all...

In my opinion, we should have more time to decide if we want to get up and continue fight.
Something like the runie's insta rez buff?
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Re: [Slayer/Choppa]Runic Blessings/Keep it Comin' tactics

Post#6 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:08 pm

Skalier wrote:It is not enough that this tactic was created incorrectly, In addition is bugged and needs repair.
Once my slayer was resurrected 6 times in a row and the same number of times I was killed instantly. Other times did not get this option at all so I stop use this tactic at all...

In my opinion, we should have more time to decide if we want to get up and continue fight.
If so the period of time allowed for this should be no greater than 10 secs, otherwise it could be abuse-able.
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Re: [Slayer/Choppa]Runic Blessings/Keep it Comin' tactics

Post#7 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:27 pm

The tactic gives res sickness, atleast on choppa where i tested it.

I like the idea of getting back to life with 50% health, but then the res sickness should be removed to make the tactic really worth the slot.

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Re: [Slayer/Choppa]Runic Blessings/Keep it Comin' tactics

Post#8 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 6:33 pm

I agree, the tactic should at LEAST not give you rez sickness.

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Re: [Slayer/Choppa]Runic Blessings/Keep it Comin' tactics

Post#9 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 7:10 pm

At least now we know it applies sickness, but even if we remove it, it won't make the tactic much more useful

As in case with regular resses, short sickness (45s), and add to that 50% of HP and we got nice ress, but imo without the option to control it (with my proposed 10s window) we can end up in a chain of deaths unnecesarly feeding enemy

Another question that came to my mind, as I couldn't test it today - what happens to enrage mechanic? Does it linger after death for few seconds? If so should the ress from tactic reset it to 0 or keep the value that we had at death?

Posts: 2524

Re: [Slayer/Choppa]Runic Blessings/Keep it Comin' tactics

Post#10 » Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:19 pm

Honestly not sure if the tactic would be worth it even then (you're taking a tactic slot so that you can have a free res at 50% hp?) I would make it even more worthwhile (some 11pt tactics are really good). It would likely fit into a glass cannon build, right? So it would have to be beneficial enough for a glass cannon slayer/choppa.
Wild idea: make it so that it's on an internal cd (5min?), but it's 100% chance to respawn. 50% hp upon respawn (allow the player to choose when to respawn or not respawn at all), plus a 25% speed boost for 5s. Whenever the speed boosts ends, whether by triggering an ability or by timer expiration, cause an explosion dealing X number of damage to players within 30ft. THAT would be an interesting tactic -- something that gives the player choice on when to activate the respawn, and when/where to unleash the bomb. Honestly I think it should be higher than 500dmg, unless it's undefendable. You're playing risky, so you might as well get a reward for the tactic.
Edit: Spoiler'd my idea because it's not related to the OP. Overall, I think you need to make it more worthwhile, and encourage the player to have choices based on their playstyle.
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