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The Kadrin Valley Massacre

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Posts: 45

The Kadrin Valley Massacre

Post#1 » Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:43 am

The massacre at Kadin Valley? Aye I was there, lad.

Twenty and four allies withstood the onslaught; Dwarves, Elves, Empire. We held fast the length of the night there, in the keep. A sea of orc flesh broken only by the sweeping strikes of the ironbreakers and explosive fire magic of the wizards. Gunpowder coated our armor and the runes gave us light by which to fight.

Between sorties and bloody contests for ground, our warriors held the line and the gate. We issued a call for help in the hands of our fastest scout, determined to hold out as long as it would take to balance the scales in this war... For hours the sea of greenskins would not abate, by grungni I tell ye lad, these were no ordinary greenskins, more cunning and more bold than is typical among their ilk.

Things looked grim but then the attacks broke off suddenly. The lads took a much needed breather and a quick drink from our remaining Bitterstone kegs (don't ye worry we had enough to last days heehee!).

But sure enough, just before dawn, above the distant sounds of orc jeers and clashes of sword on shield, a new horn sounded in the night. A dire sounding horn it was and there were grumbles aplenty as we took up our positions once more to see what this would herald.

More horns answered the first and then suddenly we saw them spill over the outer wall. The enemy came in numbers that shook the very foundations of the keep! Not just orcs now, but swarms of goblins, chaos men of nightmare, and the dreaded dark elves with their cruel blades!

We yielded ground before this onslaught, grudgingly, until the gate was breached. Like vermin before a flood they poured into the keep, the sounds of orcs screaming as they ran amuck and up stairs, breaking everything they could lay hands on. Our shield wall covered our retreat and we moved up a ramp, but too late lad, too late. No reinforcements were coming that night.

From below us the hordes pushed in... from above us they blocked our escape...

Our brave band of warriors fell there on that ramp, cut down almost to the last... The keep was lost.

How did I get out?

Bah, never under estimate the potency of a good Bitterstone Brew! ... but that's a tale for another time *grin*

Here now, a drink to my fallen comrades, and to new grudges made that day. Fear not lads, these grudges will be answered with hammer and axe... and soon!

*raises his mug*
Kobs : Chezybel
BrightWizard : Wyzard
Archmage : Darktown

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Re: The Kadrin Valley Massacre

Post#2 » Tue Mar 20, 2018 12:27 pm

/cheers that was so good

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Re: The Kadrin Valley Massacre

Post#3 » Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:02 pm

loved it. Got a book?
-= Agony =-

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Posts: 294

Re: The Kadrin Valley Massacre

Post#4 » Wed Mar 21, 2018 12:40 pm

I can just picture him sucking on a pipe as he recalls his tale. Very nicely done. :)

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