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[Blackguard] S/B, Monstrous Ruin, Horrific Wound

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Posts: 2

[Blackguard] S/B, Monstrous Ruin, Horrific Wound

Post#1 » Wed Apr 25, 2018 3:01 am

Hello, this is my first balance proposal so I will try to be as concise as possible.

Right now with Blackguards there is little synergy to be had with using a shield, there are only two abilities besides hold the line that even make use of shields - which are the knockdown and none shall pass. Given that their knockdown requires them to block in order to use it - the only reliable way to do this is to use none shall pass because blackguards have no tactics or abilities passively improve their block rating. The only other class that has no abilities or tactics to improve their block rating are Chosen. This in my opinion is a problem because none shall pass is arguably worse than hold the line which is a base skill that every tank has.

None shall pass has a 30s cooldown and it only differs from hold the line in that you gain a 50% chance to block as opposed to +45% to disrupt and dodge. However you also lose the +15% dodge and disrupt given to your allies when hold the line is up, which has no cooldown and can proc endless pursuit on a disrupt to easily gain +30% movespeed and 40 ap. The +50% block can be beneficial vs melees but you are unable to attack while channeling and it is likely that if you are in melee range you will get attacked from behind and you are not contributing anything as far as debuffs or damage. Not to mention the fact that as a tank you already mitigate a large portion of the damage that most melee's will deal to you anyways.

The problem with s/b on Blackguards is that your main utility with a shield is gained from using an inefficient channeled ability just to be able to proc the use of your knockdown. None shall pass is only practical when you are on the brink of death with your back to a wall, or when closing distance upon engaging an enemy - and in most cases hold the line out performs it greatly. In order to remedy this I propose the following changes:

1. Change the tactic Anger Drives Me to grant 2.5% block for every 10 hate

2. Remove the cooldown from None Shall pass and lower its block bonus to grant +25% instead of +50%

3. Change the duration of spiteful slam to cap at 4s

Blackguards are also the only tank that have only 1 dot/proc effect, and considering that blade of ruin is no longer in the game
I propose that Monstrous Ruin should grant a dot effect to Pitiless Strike of 365 damage over 5 seconds. I Think this gives the class a viable option for a damaging tactic that doesn't require a massive investment in the offensive tree which will allow s/b tanks to be able to contribute some damage but is consuming 20 hate every 5 seconds which will hinder their defenses if they want to maintain constant uptime.

In addition to this I would also propose that Horrific Wound no longer scale on Hate. Blackguards Hate mechanic is intended to be designed for them to spend hate in order to deal damage and build hate to gain defense. Having the blackguard armor debuff scale with hatred is a bit counter intuitive and clunky. I propose that Horrific Wound no longer scale with hate, and instead cost 30 hate and apply an 800 armor debuff.
Phibes - 40/65 Marauder
Playerhater - 40/41 Blackguard

Posts: 2524

Re: [Blackguard] S/B, Monstrous Ruin, Horrific Wound

Post#2 » Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:51 pm

Forum user has no playable characters, much less a 40/40+ BG. Good reminder that you should make a proposal with your actual account with actual players linked to it.

<Salt Factory>

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Posts: 3160

Re: [Blackguard] S/B, Monstrous Ruin, Horrific Wound

Post#3 » Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:02 pm

as a note, you need to post FROM THE ACCOUNT that has the required character.

EDIT: clarified my statement as it was br0k3n

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