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[AM/Shaman] Yer Not So Bad

For proposals that have been rejected.
Posts: 51

[AM/Shaman] Yer Not So Bad

Post#1 » Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:03 pm

Hello, I would like to adress the Ability 'Yer Not So Bad' (and it's AM counterpart) and what I belive it's flaws are and to get a discussion started.

Short info on the ability:
Cost: 50 AP
Effect: 180 AP steal from target over 9 seconds
CD: 10 seconds
Range: 100 ft
Cast time: Instant

Issue: High AP cost coupled with high chance to be disrupted.

The high risk with casting it and having it disrupted can be devestating since it takes both 50AP and 1 gcd, making it a too big of a random element.

The Proposals

First off all, my main proposal is to make it un-disruptable, below i will explain some examples on what I belive to be fair nerfs to the ability to counterbalance the undefendable aspect.

Proposal 1: Up the AP-cost

Up the AP-cost to still retain a high risk, high reward playstyle. At the moment it takes 3.6 seconds before the AP used is regained, if this were to increased to something like 5-7 seconds, the risk would still be present.
The balance of risk and reward are kept, however, it might prove to be too powerfull if in a group with another class that grants AP(and thereby removing the risk).
A solution to this might be to lower the draining aspect of the skill, so that it offensively isn't as potent as it is today.

Proposal 2: Up the CD
Quite simple fix, upping the cd to around 30 seconds would change the nature of the spell somewhat, shifting the risk part of the ability to knowing how/when to use it.
When fighting 6v6 this change would add another layer of power to the "kill-window"(AP-drain healer when the other healer is staggered etc), which could prove to be too powerfull. A combination of Proposal 1 and 2 might be a good solution for this.
Bacongrease - Squig Herder
Bloodynine - Chosen
Oldest - Shaman

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Re: [AM/Shaman] Yer Not So Bad

Post#2 » Thu Jun 21, 2018 4:07 pm

As of now, the same argument could be presented for many integral magical abilities in the game: zealot silence is disrupted (even in dps form), magus stagger/kd is disrupted, sorc rotation is disrupted, etc. It is not an issue with the AP drain per se, but is somewhat exacerbated in your case: I imagine that your intelligence is rather low, being a heal shaman?

There is a topic open that concerns current disrupt iteration. Feel free to post feedback there, with some examples from your own findings on the Shaman (ap drain being disrupted all the time, etc.). Give us some proof and I'm all ears.

Also worth mentioning that the AP drain is a core ability; it isn't tied to any mastery, is given relatively early, and therefore warrants some counterplay. 10 second CD means a failed application of it isn't the end of the world, and you can always use it on a non-healer.

I can understand wanting it to see more use against healers for specific plays like the one you mentioned, but I would refer you to my first and second paragraphs, and would ask you to present your findings in that other thread if you genuinely feel the ability is underperforming vs healers.

Good rule of thumb is that undefendables are usually a nono - particularly if ability is core.

Gonna decline this for now.

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