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[SM] replace Blinding Strike to BLessing of Heaven

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[SM] replace Blinding Strike to BLessing of Heaven

Post#1 » Sat Sep 22, 2018 5:23 pm


Excuse me, after few patches, SM had many changes.

SM already have 2 tactics to reduce the "defense against" rate: Poised Attacks and Discerning Offense.

And the blessing of heaven is a unique tactic which is good tactic to make SM as a unique sub-healing tank.

Please replace the tactic of Blinding Strike to Blessing of Heaven.


SM already have 2 tactics to reduce the "defense against" rate: Poised Attacks and Discerning Offense. Blinding Strike is unnecessary for being a new tactic in Hoeth's tree.

The Blessing of Heaven, Bolstering Enchantment and the new Phantom blade can be the best skill set for SM being a sub-healing tank.


Please replace the tactic of Blinding Strike to Blessing of Heaven.

Please have a look of this change, Thank you.


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