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[IB] Shield sweep

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[IB] Shield sweep

Post#1 » Sat Oct 06, 2018 10:26 pm

1-It dosen't work for what it is created for, it should if done properly make you gain 30 grudge tought this is not the case because it cost for base 25 grudge so the margin for 1 gcd is 5 grudge.... there are definetly better option to spent 1 gcd....(especially considering you need to position at the side of 3 targets to make full and good use of this currently

2-it can also backfire on you if you only hit 2 target or 1 you go into negative grudge for random aoe dmg (with a very limited target cap, so that there is really no use for this).


Qol fix shield sweep
remove the cost in grudge and make it cost 25 ap, gain 30 grudge; also remove the AOE component and make it ST 5 feet.


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