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[Moral Overhaul] Concept Idea

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[Moral Overhaul] Concept Idea

Post#1 » Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:28 pm

This will be a big one, numbers are up in the air but the concept should be easy to understand and follow, and changes are welcome this idea is merely to bring further balance and move away from True damage moral drops, and move more into a direction of moral abilities enabling and impowering the base abilities that define our playstyles, and give counterplay in form of defensive group mitigation, healing power and firepower.

Suggestion approaches:
- Layout one: Have the moral values be cased for flat numbers like: 10% damage increase, 10%healing, 10%damage mitigation.
- Layout two: Increase stat values instead of flat numbers: 50magic/ranged/melee power, 50healingpower, X increase to armor and resists.
- Layout three: Keep all of the useful class mechanics that are not aoe moral dumps, "shaman gets to keep Gork sez stop, zealot aoe silence etc"

The following example will be using layout one, to describe the foundation of the idea and how it would look on paper-

Engineer & Magus;
Moral 1,2,3 and 4s:
- Class defined moral option: Magebolt, Focused Mind, Concealment, NO M4 (all Mastery M4s replaced with 5masterypoint worth of value to the specline to increased the core abilities numbers)
- Archtype defined moral options : 10% dmg for 10sec, 15%damage for 10sec, 20% and 5%critchance for 10sec, 20% & 10% to groupmembers within 100feet for 10sec.

SH & SW;
Moral 1,2,3 and 4s:
- Class defined moral option: Point Blank, Focused Mind, Concealment,NO M4 (all Mastery M4s replaced with 5masterypoint worth of value to the specline to increased the core abilities numbers)
- Archtype defined moral options : 10% dmg for 10sec, 15%damage for 10sec, 20% and 5%critchance for 10sec, 20% & 10% to groupmembers within 100feet for 10sec.

BW & Sorc;
Moral 1,2,3 and 4s:
- Class defined moral option: Magebolt, Focused Mind, Concealment, NO M4 (all Mastery M4s replaced with 5masterypoint worth of value to the specline to increased the core abilities numbers)
- Archtype defined moral options : 10% dmg for 10sec, 15%damage for 10sec, 20% and 5%critchance for 10sec, 20% & 10% to groupmembers within 100feet for 10sec.


Mara & WL:
Moral 1,2,3 and 4s:
- Class defined moral option: Confusing movements, Relentless Assault, Broadswing and attacks apply inc healdebuff, NO M4 (all Mastery M4s replaced with 5masterypoint worth of value to the specline to increased the core abilities numbers)
- Archtype defined moral options : 10% dmg for 10sec, 15%damage for 10sec, 20% and 5%critchance for 10sec, 20% & 10% to groupmembers within 100feet for 10sec.

Slayer & Choppa:
Moral 1,2,3 and 4s:
- Class defined moral option: Confusing movements, Relentless Assault, Broadswing and attacks apply inc healdebuff, NO M4 (all Mastery M4s replaced with 5masterypoint worth of value to the specline to increased the core abilities numbers)
- Archtype defined moral options : 10% dmg for 10sec, 15%damage for 10sec, 20% and 5%critchance for 10sec, 20% & 10% to groupmembers within 100feet for 10sec.

WE & WH:
Moral 1,2,3 and 4s:
- Class defined moral option: Confusing movements, Relentless Assault, Witchfinder's protection, NO M4 (all Mastery M4s replaced with 5masterypoint worth of value to the specline to increased the core abilities numbers)
- Archtype defined moral options : 10% dmg for 10sec, 15%damage for 10sec, 20% and 5%critchance for 10sec, 20% & 10% to groupmembers within 100feet for 10sec.

WP & Dok:
Moral 1,2,3 and 4s:
-Class defined moral options: Divine Aegis, Focused Mind, Divine Protection, NO M4 (all Mastery M4s replaced with 5masterypoint worth of value to the specline to increased the core abilities numbers)
- Archtype defined moral options : 10% healing for 10sec, 15%healing for 10sec, 20% and 5%critchance for 10sec, 20% & 50% ap regen to groupmembers within 100feet for 10sec.
- DPS archtype melee healers moral options: 10%damage but places a 100%outgoing healdebuff on yourself for 10sec unclensable, 15%damage for 10sec 100%outgoing healdebuff on self, 20%damage and 50%healdebuff on self for 10sec, 20%damage for 10sec no healdebuff on self.

AM & Sham:
Moral 1,2,3 and 4s:
-Class defined moral options: Divine Favor, Focused Mind, Devine Protection, NO M4 (all Mastery M4s replaced with 5masterypoint worth of value to the specline to increased the core abilities numbers)
- Archtype defined moral options : 10% healing for 10sec, 15%healing for 10sec, 20% and 5%critchance for 10sec, 20% & 50% ap regen to groupmembers within 100feet for 10sec.
- DPS archtype ranged healers: 10%damage but places a 100%outgoing healdebuff on yourself for 10sec unclensable, 15%damage for 10sec 100%outgoing healdebuff on self, 20%damage and 50%healdebuff on self for 10sec, 20%damage for 10sec no healdebuff on self.

RP & Zealot:
Moral 1,2,3 and 4s:
-Class defined moral options: Divine Favor, Focused Mind, Devine Protection, NO M4 (all Mastery M4s replaced with 5masterypoint worth of value to the specline to increased the core abilities numbers)
- Archtype defined moral options : 10% healing for 10sec, 15%healing for 10sec, 20% and 5%critchance for 10sec, 20% & 50% ap regen to groupmembers within 100feet for 10sec.
- DPS archtype ranged healers: 10%damage but places a 100%outgoing healdebuff on yourself for 10sec unclensable, 15%damage for 10sec 100%outgoing healdebuff on self, 20%damage and 50%healdebuff on self for 10sec, 20%damage for 10sec no healdebuff on self.

Kotbs & Chosen:
Morals 1,2,3 and 4s:
- Class defined moral options: Feel my Presence (NEW) [All active auras give double stat values for 10sec],
Shield Wall, Distracting Bellow, NO M4 (all Mastery M4s replaced with 5masterypoint worth of value to the specline to increased the core abilities numbers)
- Archtype defined moral options: 10% damage reduction to group members for 10sec, 20% damage reduction to group members for 10sec, 35% damage reduction to groupmembers for 10sec, Immaculate Defense 75% 10 sec.
- DPS archtype tanks: Demolishing Strike[M1], 15% damage for 10sec and 50%inc healdebuffed uncleansable[M2], 20%damage for 10sec and 25% inc healdebuff on yourself unclensable[M3], 20%damage for 10sec 25% incoming healdebuff on your attacks for 10sec.

SM & Blackorc
Morals 1,2,3 and 4s: Champions Challenge, Shield Wall, Distracting Bellow, NO M4 (all Mastery M4s replaced with 5masterypoint worth of value to the specline to increased the core abilities numbers)
- Archtype defined moral options:10% damage reduction to group members for 10sec, 20% damage reduction to group members for 10sec, 35% damage reduction to groupmembers for 10sec, Immaculate Defense 75% 10 sec.
- DPS archtype tanks: Demolishing Strike[M1], 15% damage for 10sec and 50%inc healdebuffed uncleansable[M2], 20%damage for 10sec and 25% inc healdebuff on yourself unclensable[M3], 20%damage for 10sec 25% incoming healdebuff on your attacks for 10sec.

IB & BG:
Morals 1,2,3 and 4s: Champions Challenge, Shield Wall, Distracting Bellow, NO M4 (all Mastery M4s replaced with 5masterypoint worth of value to the specline to increased the core abilities numbers)
- Archtype defined moral options:10% damage reduction to group members for 10sec, 20% damage reduction to group members for 10sec, 35% damage reduction to groupmembers for 10sec, Immaculate Defense 75% 10 sec.
- DPS archtype tanks: Demolishing Strike[M1], 15% damage for 10sec and 50%inc healdebuffed uncleansable[M2], 20%damage for 10sec and 25% inc healdebuff on yourself unclensable[M3], 20%damage for 10sec 25% incoming healdebuff on your attacks for 10sec.

What this should aim to solve:
- Moral bombs, and unmitigated damage morals.
- No longer have to rework all of the mastery tree M4s
- DPS healers and tanks have some options and are not ignored, healdebuffs will serve as punishment to not create dps healers who are unkillable.

Forseeable issues with this:
- Stacking tanks and healers might be an issue and routating morals, numbers will need tweaking
- Stacking dps morals on top of eachother might create oneshot and unhealable situations, numbers need tweaking and testing.
- Moral drains might be too important, but lets be honests isnt this already an issue to some degree.

I am of the idea that perfect balance is unrealistic, and this proposal should hopefully fix more than it breaks. It does head towards a direction where mirroring is a thing, but with the suggestion to swapping out broken Mastery M4s and add more value into the mastery trees I hope this will cancel itself out slightly. This proposal is made to inspire and spark conversation towards what direction Moral changes should be headed, and I by no means expect this to be the final version. Thanks for reading
Bombling 92BW
Bombthebuilder 82Engi - Bombing 82SL - Bling 81Kobs - Orderling 80WP

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