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WH / WE trial by pain/ruthless assoult

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WH / WE trial by pain/ruthless assoult

Post#1 » Wed Nov 14, 2018 12:15 pm

Compared to other type of aoe skill these are linked to a primary target and then to aoe from it in 20 feet

this create a serius disadvantage for the classes due the nature of how the skill are implemented because :

1-enemy can directly influence your area of effect by move around (spread to avoid bomb is alredy a thing but in this case it get taken to his extreme conseguences) so that you do not hit anymore a lot of ppl, generaly due fight movement have the enemy dictate where you are aoe--ing is a flaw design, aoe is based on concentrate the dps based on your are focus and not let enemy decide where sme of you are dps-ing

2-friendly realm ppl too can act to make this scenario even more bad as with crow controll they can basically punt, stop in place other players and so reduces your number target under your aoe,

Basically as currently implemented the aoe finishers for both classes are RNG target exept in pve and due their meccanic being based arund it (at least wh to proc bullet ) it cant be that much bad compared to others aoe melee classes.

FIx the skills
remove the primary target requirement and set it as anormal cone skill so that wh/we can use finisher in the directin they want and not what eneny random decide to move in ( just as done for the spamable base aoe skill )

-For wh it mean became functinal as it proc bullets primary and most exclusivly trought trial by pain when it cames to aoe enviroments (dragon gun have a high CD)
-For we it mean it have a finisher that can work, as at current state we can proc bullet n kisses so there is need to finishers in first place, which mean ruthless assult mean loose also 15% crit chance (tactic Frenzied Mayhem.)


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