-Cancelled!!- 3rd 6v6 tournament! Saturday 30th! -cancelled!!-

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Poll: What day should the tournament be at?

Poll ended at Sun Mar 10, 2019 2:52 pm

Saturday 30th 12pm PST/2PM CST/3pm EST/8PM GMT/9PM CET
Sunday 31st 11pm PST/1PM CST/2pm EST/7PM GMT/8PM CET
Total votes: 25

Posts: 85

-Cancelled!!- 3rd 6v6 tournament! Saturday 30th! -cancelled!!-

Post#1 » Sun Mar 03, 2019 2:52 pm

Thanks to all who watched and participated in the last tournament! Was even a better turn out than the last one!
The next one will be on the last weekend of March. I have put it up for a vote on when it fits the most people. Please be aware that if it will be on Sunday then it will be one hour earlier.
Please also either post here or send me a msg on discord if your TEAM can be there and on what date. The more info I can get on who can participate the easier it will be for me. This is of course not your official sign up but it is more an indicator to me when the best day is.
The vote will be up for 7 days.

Also I am looking for 3-4 people (2 on each side) to help me run things so it will be easier to have 2 games going at the same time.

How to join

State what side you wish to join on ORDER or DESTRO
Name your team! For clarification, this is so I can announce teams (This can be a guild name should you chose)
A team roster can consist of 10 players. This means 4 substitutions can be made between games as you see fit.
List all 10 players you will be playing with. You will be locked to play in that team. CHARACTER SWAPS CAN BE MADE. However, please make sure all characters are ready to play when called upon.
A player is only allowed on ONE team.
CUT OFF DATE TO JOIN WILL BE 3 HOURS BEFORE EVENT START ( I am going to need some time to get everything ready before the event to track all the teams).
. This will let me know if there is interest in the tournament or not and can then cancel should there be limited interest.


Time: up for a vote


The tournament, of course, is not without its rules.

The Rules

10 man roster, only 6 play at a time.


All pots/gear can be used

Start the fight with /bow to the opponent to show you are ready

use emote /cower to forefit the match, Should this happen the winning side gets +5 kills to their score

A wipe is instant defeat. Winning side gets +5 kills added.

Should a crash happen during a match a pause will be issued. Force crashing will lead to forfeit of the match

ONLY KILLS MATTER. Kills are your score. A match score will be defined as Kills/Deaths

All teams to be ready at the set time and ready to fight when name called.


The format

Time limit will be set to 10min.
The games will be held in a PVP zone. Location The Maw, or Saphery

Each team plays each other once.

A win gives 3pts
A draw gives 1pts

The team with most points on order and destro goes to finals.

If multiple teams have the same Kill/Death ratio will determine the finalist.

The finals will be a Bo3 final.
Finals will work as following:
Max 3 games will be fought
If all 3 games are fought and its 1-1-1 then KD/ratio will determine the overall winner.
Last edited by Markon on Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Posts: 85

Re: 3rd 6v6 tournament!

Post#2 » Thu Mar 07, 2019 2:19 pm

A reminder that voting ends on Sunday

Posts: 85

Re: 3rd 6v6 tournament! Saturday 30th!

Post#3 » Fri Mar 15, 2019 8:50 pm

Sorry for the delay on the forum update.

The tournament will be held on Saturday 30th.

It will be either at t3 elf or CW. Depending on what zone is active.

Also as mentioned I am looking for a few people to help me run the event, so we can have 2 fights going at the same time as smoothly as possible. Please send me a message here or on discord if interested.

Posts: 85

Re: 3rd 6v6 tournament! Saturday 30th!

Post#4 » Thu Mar 21, 2019 9:12 pm

The current prize pool is: 550g

Thanks to the 2nd place contestant from last time Focus partyelf for donating 150g
Thanks to Aradonna for donating 100g
Thanks to Zaldra for donating 200g
And I'm throwing in 100 of my hard earned gold in as well :)

If anyone wants to put more into the pool feel free to contact me :)

As a reminder, I am still looking for people to help run the event. Please send me a PM on the forums or on discord if interested :)

Posts: 85

Re: 3rd 6v6 tournament! Saturday 30th!

Post#5 » Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:38 pm

Tournament canceled (for now) because of the new tank changes.

For starters dumbest change ever. I am a super positive guy but I just cannot get behind this change. It simply ruins small scale pvp and 6v6. It is basically the only area where a 2h tank is viable and now it is no longer so.
Being so close to the tournament having this kind of change makes it impossible for teams to get properly ready for the event.

I am going be sending the gold back to all those who sent for the prize pool.

Thank you so so much for the support, I cannot thank you enough. It has been all of you who have made the 2 other tournaments a huge success. Hopefully, we can have another some time in the future.

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Re: -Cancelled!!- 3rd 6v6 tournament! Saturday 30th! -cancelled!!-

Post#6 » Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:40 pm

Good idea to cancel it. No point doing this event for now :/

Posts: 9

Re: -Cancelled!!- 3rd 6v6 tournament! Saturday 30th! -cancelled!!-

Post#7 » Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:47 pm

Stickzy wrote: Sat Mar 23, 2019 3:40 pm Good idea to cancel it. No point doing this event for now :/
Yup. I totally agree with you. These guard changes are just horrible.

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Re: -Cancelled!!- 3rd 6v6 tournament! Saturday 30th! -cancelled!!-

Post#8 » Sat Mar 23, 2019 4:35 pm

Well, that’s true, I don’t think I could participate on 2h BG with that change since it’s not a tank anymore but still not a dps now.
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Re: -Cancelled!!- 3rd 6v6 tournament! Saturday 30th! -cancelled!!-

Post#9 » Sat Mar 23, 2019 4:44 pm

2H tanks are just a liability now. I enjoyed the option to go SnB for rvr and largescale actions, or even for 6 man roaming in rvr and the option to go 2h for sc and 6vs6. Now you are simply pigeonholed into going SnB because.... well no one actully knows why this was changed. It just was and it ruins the whole fun aspect of playing a tank.

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Re: -Cancelled!!- 3rd 6v6 tournament! Saturday 30th! -cancelled!!-

Post#10 » Sat Mar 23, 2019 5:05 pm

This change blows... I had a team for this one. Was kinda excited to participate in 6v6, which I have never really done. Wasn't really expecting much wins versus the top groups, but it would have been a fun afternoon.

Ah well. Time to go back to retirement !
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