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Returning/New Player, (would like to think) Good RPer, hello! o/

Feel like burning like a bright wizard? Being as green as a gobbo? Robust like an Ironbreaker? Bloodthirsty like a witch elf? Feel free to speak as them here.
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Posts: 6

Returning/New Player, (would like to think) Good RPer, hello! o/

Post#1 » Mon Jan 27, 2020 1:42 pm

Greetings and salutations, fellow gamers and RPers! Been fascinated with Age of Sigmar lore and been trying to read up a bit about it to get into some RP, however i can't help but wish that this game/universe would get a more uuh... 'tweaked' MMO, with less glitches and updated graphics and all the perks, aheeem...

Downloading the game as we speak, will most likely be RPing a Druchii ( Dark Elf ) noble Blackguard (atleast the OOC class ) and will be trying to make connections both IC and OOC, but i welcome all who would like some RP at any point. Happy gaming to all, and hope to meet you soon ingame ^^


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