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Any ranged dps caster with adequate crowd control spells

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Posts: 63

Any ranged dps caster with adequate crowd control spells

Post#1 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:45 pm

Just starting playing a magus and although I can see how it can be useful the class is completely unplayable at my current level 24/20. It has 1 useless cc spell that only affects people in a cone up to 30ft and then for only 5 seconds if not broke and thats it. Does it get any more and better cc spells at higher levels? I just don't get its design, it has a very short ranged aoe dot, which kind of make its one and only cc spell pretty much useless. I have no way to stop melee getting into close combat with me bar a rather innefective aoe root which dont have the range and kiting is not an option in WAR due to the small battlefields. Its absolutely crazy and broken that melee have better crowd control than casters, what I would not give for a knock back. Maybe the sorc has better cc but the magus seems rather weak as it has no way to control the battlefield.

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Re: Any ranged dps caster with adequate crowd control spells

Post#2 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:01 pm

I think you misread something. I dont know of any CC on a magus with a conal area of effect. Are you talking about Demonic Infestation? That's not a come and it's a borderline broken ability with AoE caps being 24.

Magus have a ST snare with no CD, an AoE Stagger, an AoE knockdown, an AoE root, an AoE pull/w snare, a high damage AoE/w snare that can be channeled while moving, a specable ST disarm, a ST knockback and an AoE interrupt. That is not counting morales. The amount of utility they have is huge, the only CC they dont get is a silence and they have no heal debuff.

What you said is actually so backwards I think you might be trying to be wrong intentionally. If you arent, you need to spend a little more time playing the class, because you havent figured it out yet.

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Posts: 294

Re: Any ranged dps caster with adequate crowd control spells

Post#3 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:06 pm

Yes, magus has the best CC of all casters

Posts: 63

Re: Any ranged dps caster with adequate crowd control spells

Post#4 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:24 pm

Just looking at all of my abilities I can only find tzeetch grasp, only 30ft range which is not really good for a short ranged aoe dotter and the maw that has a 40% speed reduction but a 5ft range lol which again is pretty aweful as all a melee is going to do first is snare you. The demonic infestation staggers and is clumsy to cast but it only stops them doing stuff they can still run into melee. Looks like they get better stuff at higher level but i dont count any morale cc as being any good as its not always available. Just stuggling at the moment, prob may have to change spec but if I went havoc I guess a sorc would had been better.

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Re: Any ranged dps caster with adequate crowd control spells

Post#5 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:26 pm

Mate your are 20/24....

Wait till rank 40 and you will see a great boost on your CC / killing abilities :)

Posts: 1295

Re: Any ranged dps caster with adequate crowd control spells

Post#6 » Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:26 pm

Tillbeast wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:24 pm Just looking at all of my abilities I can only find tzeetch grasp, only 30ft range which is not really good for a short ranged aoe dotter and the maw that has a 40% speed reduction but a 5ft range lol which again is pretty aweful as all a melee is going to do first is snare you. The demonic infestation staggers and is clumsy to cast but it only stops them doing stuff they can still run into melee. Looks like they get better stuff at higher level but i dont count any morale cc as being any good as its not always available. Just stuggling at the moment, prob may have to change spec but if I went havoc I guess a sorc would had been better.

The demonic infestation => works like a land mine, and you can have more than 1 active (CD is lower than duration) i think you can have at least 3 at time up.
Warping blast => its a good knockback.
Daemonic maw => dot+snare (low range)
Perils of the warp => Havoc spec disarm

at low level if you going to zerg surfng go for changing spec (lol dot aoe dps) or go for havoc spec for very low range st dps

Posts: 75

Re: Any ranged dps caster with adequate crowd control spells

Post#7 » Wed Mar 11, 2020 12:43 pm

at high rr with good gear you will not need any cc cause you can spec to tank WL and WH and stomp em.

Posts: 63

Re: Any ranged dps caster with adequate crowd control spells

Post#8 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:18 pm

The class has no true crowd control abilities, yeah I can root people for 5 seconds or stagger them for 5 seconds but that is not proper crowd control. Give me or any other ranged class enough half decent 10 to 15 second crowd control spells and then maybe we have a chance vs a melee class in melee as you are basically dead if any melee class gets into range. 5 second cc does diddly squat as by the time you have run and turned around to apply dps they back onto you which makes the cc pointless.

Posts: 80

Re: Any ranged dps caster with adequate crowd control spells

Post#9 » Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:39 pm

yes... all the players that gave you an answer and have played this for years and years are of course wrong and you are right

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