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[Slayer] Holding Grudges (and general 2h play)

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[Slayer] Holding Grudges (and general 2h play)

Post#1 » Sun May 24, 2020 12:42 am

So after getting my Bloodlord 2h I've been trying this spec - Slayer and, I have to say, I'm loving the change of scenery so far - the few >2k Deathblow crits I've had so far have been a joy to behold :lol:

I've been using Power Through due to the synergy with full invader and PFM, but I am missing being able to dump rage when focused. I had a play with Holding Grudges on a target dummy earlier but found I ended up staying almost constantly on the border of green/yellow rather than yellow/red as I'd like. If you've used it, how have your experiences been and how would you set up a build? I'd probably look to use this spec were I to find a way to run it - Slayer

If anyone has any other tips on 2h builds (either of the above or something different) I'd love to hear them !

edit - Also....does anyone know exactly how Spellbreaker works?
For example, if a target had both Soul Shielding (enchantment, absorb) and Khaine's Vigor (enchantment, HoT) active on them when you used it, would Spellbreaker remove both (classing SS as an absorb and KV as an enchantment) or would it consider them both enchantments and only remove one?
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Re: [Slayer] Holding Grudges (and general 2h play)

Post#2 » Mon May 25, 2020 12:37 pm

Those are both viable builds that I also run on occassion.

I do find that the power through build a bit more satisfying as I cycle through my exhaustive blows. It does come with great risk with being in the red at all times. If you have a strong pre-made group you should be fine, but pug healers and tanks will hate you for being so squishy. The AOE detaunt works well since you are single targeting, and not having ID ticks knock it off as soon as you use the detaunt.
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Re: [Slayer] Holding Grudges (and general 2h play)

Post#3 » Tue May 26, 2020 6:44 am

Those are the builds I dream of having as a 2h choppa; the AA + staying in red, /envy! So, for Power Through (Wot Rules for choppa), just make sure you are FS III (or IV!). I also found that I had to leave Invader gear and mix Inv 3pc+Sent 3pc+Bloodlord 2pc for extra wounds, or drop one of those to keep your crit high. Its a tough balance. And of course know your local tank populace and which guard. I friend or mark with Enemy the ones that not only guard but will follow my green-raging tukkus around. Those are gold.
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Re: [Slayer] Holding Grudges (and general 2h play)

Post#4 » Tue May 26, 2020 11:20 am

Spellbreaker removes one Blessing and one Enchanment - this is what description says. One and one. If target has two blessings I wager first goes the one that was applied first.

I love this build too. In fact I leveled my SL in GS and started using dual wield only once I hit 40. I really like 2H for its concentrated damage and defence piercing capabalities. This is an excellent build for scenarios.

Speaking of Power Through I personally think it is a must have for ANY build. Even if you are running SK build where we do not have too many finishers we still need to have +50% damage regardless of that.
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Re: [Slayer] Holding Grudges (and general 2h play)

Post#5 » Thu May 28, 2020 8:36 pm

I prefer Holding Grudges due to being able to dump rage with detaunt. Not sure detaunt will do much for you in red.

All in all both builds are good. In scenarios Giant Slayer gets a lot of unnecessary hate, mostly because ppl only care about big AoE fluff damage on the screen at the end of a 0-500 scen, those big numbers that do no pressure.

If ppl can actually use their brains and assist you then WL/Giant Slayer burst is pretty strong. IMO Holding Grudges and Breaking Point are the two best things to get out of mid tree. Whether you skip channel heal to get more is up to you.
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Re: [Slayer] Holding Grudges (and general 2h play)

Post#6 » Sun Dec 20, 2020 4:11 pm

The 2 Hand slayer is such a iconic figure in warhammer fantasy but in this game the specc kinda falls of and is barely as near as good as the dual aoe slayer.

Maybe there should be one abillity that exhauhst your rage when you chose power through. That would change the whole class and make it playable.

Otherwise i think the Build for 2Hand slayer should be Power Through/!20strg and Weaponskill /Fierce Might and Breakingpoint

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Re: [Slayer] Holding Grudges (and general 2h play)

Post#7 » Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:58 pm

Whyumadbro wrote: Sun Dec 20, 2020 4:11 pm The 2 Hand slayer is such a iconic figure in warhammer fantasy but in this game the specc kinda falls of and is barely as near as good as the dual aoe slayer.

Maybe there should be one abillity that exhauhst your rage when you chose power through. That would change the whole class and make it playable.

Otherwise i think the Build for 2Hand slayer should be Power Through/!20strg and Weaponskill /Fierce Might and Breakingpoint
Trade Fierce Might for 50% AA haste when your gear is good enough.

If you need to dump your rage with Power Through slotted, hit flee and chug an AP pot.
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Re: [Slayer] Holding Grudges (and general 2h play)

Post#8 » Wed Dec 23, 2020 9:56 am

But flee + action potion is very unefficent and makes you less usefull because of the missing ap regenaration

im almost full (5/8 with 78 crest waiting to be spend) sov but fierce might feels way to strong tbh to not slot it. The Rage dump with flee is still not a good way for dumping rage - i mean if for example deathblow would exhaust your rage (even when power through sloted) then the class can be of actuall use because you are not required to flee and be of even less use for the duration and it would be way more fun.

I just think that the 2h slayer is very iconic for the warhammer universe and even age of sigmar and that a small adjustment could fix the class and give it more use outside of pve that the spec deserves. It makes very much fun to play but to be forced to stay in 50% more dmg all the time without playing the class mechanic creates 2 Problems:

1- you detaunt to get normal dmg
2- you need way more heals then any other dd wich tilt your healers and tanks

power throug needs to be slotted to play the 2h class in my opinion because holding grudges does simply not work in a efficent way ( when slotted i am mostly on the brink of green/yellow instead of yellow/red and the tactic feels very weak.

Power throug or holding grudges needs a little love from the devs . Class diversity is important for the game.

Give the 2h slayer / Choppa some love

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Re: [Slayer] Holding Grudges (and general 2h play)

Post#9 » Fri Jan 22, 2021 3:18 pm

Whyumadbro wrote: Wed Dec 23, 2020 9:56 am age of sigmar

Posts: 485

Re: [Slayer] Holding Grudges (and general 2h play)

Post#10 » Fri Jan 22, 2021 5:48 pm

Asherdoom wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 3:18 pm
Whyumadbro wrote: Wed Dec 23, 2020 9:56 am age of sigmar
im sorry for my misdeads and will seek my doom in battle against mighty foes for this

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