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Squig Herder Balance proposals

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Squig Herder Balance proposals

Post#1 » Sat Jan 23, 2021 3:32 pm

Following on from the many threads outlining the current Squig Herder problems here are some proposals to bring them back into balance.

Balance Problem small scale: Squig Pet is overperforming, combination of Squig Frenzy, Git EM and Squigbeast means pet is putting out too much damage
Solution: Squigbeast morale reduced to 100% damage increase instead of 150% (or kept as is and moved to m2), Squig Frenzy changed to do 15% damage boost instead of 25%

Balance Problem: MSH is balanced in aoe but Black Ork Waaaaagh means it is overperforming for damage in comparison to SW (who also has to rely on cooldown decreaser to perform well at Warband level), also overperforming in damage in regards to its CC and survivability. As Waaaagh can't be blocked or parried and can be pre-loaded, even though it takes a tactic slot it is far superior to SM Whispering Wind
Solution: Black Ork Tactic Mor' Choppin' Dem! increases Waaaaagh cooldown to 30 seconds instead of 20, this will help to bring a little bit balance between the Cooldown decreasers between the Realms considering Destro have 2 of them.

Balance Problem: SH doesn't need ranged knockdown as it has an abundance of other CC, while it is true Order has ranged knockdown so propose change to BW also
Solution: Ideally remove both SH and BW ranged knockdown, replace with anything, eg an attack which debuffs toughness by 100 or attack which debuffs enemy crit chance by 15%. Or an ability to increase range for 10 seconds.

Some other small adjustments are probably needed also like reducing the amount Tastes Like Chicken heals to closer to 1k, as no Order melee/range class gets a instant 1600 heal as a base ability.


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