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2h tank balance

Structured balance proposals should be posted here. Posts in this section will be taken into account during class balance reviews.
Posts: 4

2h tank balance

Post#1 » Fri Feb 26, 2021 7:34 pm

Good day and peace to everybody. I am very inspired with last changes on server and fully support the ideas of moderators team. Typing this post, i hope to make the game better for all players on the server. So, my idea of balance include next position. We all now that 2h tanks a very strong with their damage, which is very close to core DPS classes. However such tanks has much more armor/wounds/toughness compared with squishy poor core dd. In my opinion all specs with 2h for tanks should have permanent -25% debuff for wounds/armor at least (averege HP pool for dps class is 5500-6200). Also something should be done to "futile strikes" renown ability, it is too much overpowered. I'm playing warhammer for 10 years and hope together we make it best of the best!!!


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