kobs smashing counter / chosen downfall NERF

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kobs smashing counter / chosen downfall NERF

Post#1 » Sat Mar 06, 2021 12:26 am

these abilities need to be nerfed by requiring to defend an ability first

it used to be like this afaik; it's in the name of the kobs ability "smashing counter". Only usable after defending an attack. Could be only for knight but idk. In any case they are wildly overperforming because it is so easy for a chosen or kobs to knock and punt a target while rdps picks him off.

CC is so powerful in this combination, it's simply overperforming and would be more balanced with a prerequisite like the IB snb knockdown has.

Also, the chosen/knight is all around so strong that there is no reason for them to have so easy godlike CC combos aswell.

thank you!


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