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Min. Scenario ReKnown Reward Debate

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Poll: Do you want a fix base min. Scenario-Reknown-Reward for all active players who lost the match?

Yes - Spending Time and Effort is worth it!
No - If you loose - you dont deserve any reward!
Dunno - ?? Not sure.
Total votes: 85

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Min. Scenario ReKnown Reward Debate

Post#1 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 12:41 pm

Title: Break the Circle of Doom. :evil:

Even Loseing in RealLife is a lifetime expierence , which should be equally recreated inside RoR Gameplay to ensure propper gameplay and character devellopment.

People who loose a scenario, are likely to receive 0-250 reknown and an equivalent of exp for their hard work - just because they didnt win.

Keep in mind: These People spend the same ammount of time as the winning teamn to face their overhelming opponents, whithout any change of winning.

While fighting the same premade high rr groups round after round this is a pointles scenario for all of those who heal - Protect -, Deal Dage - but cant get the propper kills. As compensation they win 1 Medalion for best Heal or Protection.

Never the less: Medals wont give reknown rank, or activation of abilites or reknown stats. Without Progress: loseing a match is a waste of time and a never ending story of stacking in the same position.

Establish a minimum rewards for the loseing party of e.g

2000 reknown for Tier 4
850 reknown for Tier 2-3
250 reknown for Tier 1

caution: these are just sample numbers, which can be discussed further.

Amount of Work:
Simple Codeing. (base reward)+(current rr system) = total reknown reward per match.

Benefits of this change?

With this Reward in Mind, the number of people who surrender, quit or afk will be reduced, as quitter and afk's will get their quitter debuff without any rewards. People will stay in and be active on the map.

! Caution: This is not ment to be a reward for participationless loseing ( for all gready players out there , who doesnt like to do anything but get most reknown or exp for nothing). This is for players who deal damage, offer protection and heal other theammates against the worst of all enemys - time.
Last edited by Flowson on Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Min. Scenario ReKnown Reward Debate

Post#2 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:15 pm

Afaik the rewards are tied to final score => if you lose 400/500 you get more reward than losing 0-500...

really if you lose 0-500 you deserve nothing

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Re: Min. Scenario ReKnown Reward Debate

Post#3 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:20 pm

I would only agree to this if there was an easier way to punish people refusing to participate in the scenario because "losing so what is the point" (i call them senzitiv boyz)

I see this parasite attitude of just running around in spawn doing nothing at least once a week. There is no easy way to report them. There is no danger in refusing to play, and they refuse to play at the slightest sign of defeat. I once saw a slayer idle in base because we lost praag mid; and we weren't even being stomped. (Ended up losing 400~ to 500)

With a loser handout implemented, i imagine even more people will do this. They will need even less of a reason to leech.

So no; we can't have nice things.
SW, Kotbs, IB, Slayer, WP, WL, SM, Mara, SH, BG

Posts: 542

Re: Min. Scenario ReKnown Reward Debate

Post#4 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:46 pm

just nerf rdps into the ground and suddenly solo queuing scenarios is enjoyable

Posts: 572

Re: Min. Scenario ReKnown Reward Debate

Post#5 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 11:55 pm

Back in the day we got literally nothing for losing hard. Loser emblem + top spot emblems seem good to me, especially since getting AFKers/botters kicked is such a hassle and this would definitely encourage more of them.

"With this Reward in Mind, the number of people who surrender, quit or afk will be reduced, as quitter and afk's will get their quitter debuff without any rewards."

I'm having trouble following your logic here. How is this any worse for quitters and afkers than the current system? Don't they already get quitter debuff with no rewards?
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Re: Min. Scenario ReKnown Reward Debate

Post#6 » Wed Mar 10, 2021 1:38 am

Most scenarios end up being absolute stomps ending 500-0, or something equally unbalanced. This is not an opinion, this is a fact. Losing with 0 points means you get **** all, while the other side continues to snowball renown and gear.

Therefore, I am fully in favor of buffing losing rewards. In fact, I'd like it if the losers received half the rewards of the winners, OR the rewards they would get from their score, whichever is higher. This means that you're encouraged to try hard and get a high score even if you lose because that means more rewards, but if you're against yet -another- premade that evades the que system to cheat their way into what is supposed to be solo queue, you aren't completely boned and get nothing for the 15-20 minutes of your life wasted as they farm you endlessly at spawn.

And for those who argue that it means people will just idle out, I disagree, because that's not even playing the game, is easily detectable, and is fundamentally against human nature. Most people don't act that way.

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Re: Min. Scenario ReKnown Reward Debate

Post#7 » Wed Mar 10, 2021 9:33 am

Mystry wrote: Wed Mar 10, 2021 1:38 am Most scenarios end up being absolute stomps ending 500-0, or something equally unbalanced. This is not an opinion, this is a fact. Losing with 0 points means you get **** all, while the other side continues to snowball renown and gear.

Therefore, I am fully in favor of buffing losing rewards. In fact, I'd like it if the losers received half the rewards of the winners, OR the rewards they would get from their score, whichever is higher. This means that you're encouraged to try hard and get a high score even if you lose because that means more rewards, but if you're against yet -another- premade that evades the que system to cheat their way into what is supposed to be solo queue, you aren't completely boned and get nothing for the 15-20 minutes of your life wasted as they farm you endlessly at spawn.

And for those who argue that it means people will just idle out, I disagree, because that's not even playing the game, is easily detectable, and is fundamentally against human nature. Most people don't act that way.
Half rewards for losing and you really believe people will not idle out ?
With all due respect - if there is an easy route people will take it.
Your system means we start with more people afking right from the start and after the first wipe people will just throw.
That would be devestating to us who try.

If people can't handle to lose they should start forming groups.
Handing emblems to them on a silver platter is not the solution.
This comes from a solo player.
Grimmsch Grimnirsson (Solo 2H Slayer, 40/86)
40+: 2H-CHOPPA, AM, RP, WP, SM, IB, KotBS, WL, WH, BW, ENG, SW
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Re: Min. Scenario ReKnown Reward Debate

Post#8 » Wed Mar 10, 2021 12:13 pm

@zulnam i agree, thats why we cant have nice things. thats why were here to discuss upcomming changes ;)

@lyncher12 its not aboout nerfing others, its about pushin people forwards, independent of current class ballance issues :)

@Foomy44 its a simple idea: People who stay afk and dont contripute, still got kicked and quitter debuff, while others who continue to heal , protect and deal damage get the reward they have been workin for.

@Mystry i totally agree. i have seen this snowball system goin on for far to long now. time has come to end this.

The main reason i cam up with this is to break the circle of stacknation.

If 1 team could dominate the other one, its always a leasson to learn , wheater its win or loose and that should be gifted by a min reknown to enable progress even for those who stuck looseing 5 times in a row.

@Bowldancer , if people stay idle or afk after the first attempt they will be kicked anyway due to a lack of interaction by the server. These people wont be able to benefit from those regulations.

Never the less i agree, as within all herds of sheep, we will have some who try to absue the system.. BUT: the majory will accept this as an ofert to keep joining SC's and try to win their piece of cake instead of quitting or surrendering the match for nothing but wasted time.

We all have been there. this time is about to makeing it right for players to come after us.

Posts: 146

Re: Min. Scenario ReKnown Reward Debate

Post#9 » Wed Mar 10, 2021 12:56 pm

zulnam wrote: Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:20 pm I would only agree to this if there was an easier way to punish people refusing to participate in the scenario because "losing so what is the point" (i call them senzitiv boyz)

I see this parasite attitude of just running around in spawn doing nothing at least once a week. There is no easy way to report them. There is no danger in refusing to play, and they refuse to play at the slightest sign of defeat. I once saw a slayer idle in base because we lost praag mid; and we weren't even being stomped. (Ended up losing 400~ to 500)

With a loser handout implemented, i imagine even more people will do this. They will need even less of a reason to leech.

So no; we can't have nice things.
You mad people won't let themselces get farmed by your Destro pals?
tbh winning or losing is usually obvious at the first engagement. Once you realize you're in a team with bots/xrealmers/noobs, there's no point in trying further.

Posts: 84

Re: Min. Scenario ReKnown Reward Debate

Post#10 » Wed Mar 10, 2021 1:13 pm

zulnam wrote: Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:20 pm I would only agree to this if there was an easier way to punish people refusing to participate in the scenario because "losing so what is the point" (i call them senzitiv boyz)

I see this parasite attitude of just running around in spawn doing nothing at least once a week. There is no easy way to report them. There is no danger in refusing to play, and they refuse to play at the slightest sign of defeat. I once saw a slayer idle in base because we lost praag mid; and we weren't even being stomped. (Ended up losing 400~ to 500)

With a loser handout implemented, i imagine even more people will do this. They will need even less of a reason to leech.

So no; we can't have nice things.
that slayer you are tallking about is me probaly... and i dont need your nice things i got all sc weapons defensive and offensive and 3x oppresor set (str, ws and wounds socket) on my slayer...
i usaly go pug sc but with weekend war front i was 2h in que cos all ppl play weekend warfront... so i went for que all and yea i go "idle" in sc when i got 3 tank in pt and 0 guards are up and you ask for guard 2-3 times but no effect... and i tell people in sc im going to walk around like blind chicken from now on, same like those 3 tanks... i dont care about wining i wona fight... but when i go premade i get destro pugs and when i go pug i get destro premades... so i go pug sc... and during war fronts there are no pug sc so...

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