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Building DoK

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Building DoK

Post#1 » Mon Mar 15, 2021 7:00 am

Hello everyone, I'm quite new to the game, been figuring out what to play for a day or two and decided it is gonna be a DoK, now I'm wondering how do I build it, what are viable specs ?
Thanks in advance

Posts: 208

Re: Building DoK

Post#2 » Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:22 am

need more information

you picked dok im assuming because its a hybrid so what do you want to do what play style do you enjoy have you played other mmo

if you want a generic answer all specs are viable for different things dok/chosen are almost always wanted for any group whether it be small/large pvp or pve

Posts: 18

Re: Building DoK

Post#3 » Mon May 03, 2021 4:45 am

I actually would like to know what is a good way to spec for a melee/healer hybrid. I plan on also making a DoK and I don't want to just sit in the back and heal.

Posts: 208

Re: Building DoK

Post#4 » Mon May 03, 2021 7:55 am

Tigersoul78 wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 4:45 am I actually would like to know what is a good way to spec for a melee/healer hybrid. I plan on also making a DoK and I don't want to just sit in the back and heal.
youll want to play shield for melee healing - Disciple of Khaine

warning shield is terrible for rvr and pretty bad in small scale as well since dok is the easiest class bar none to kite in game

Posts: 107

Re: Building DoK

Post#5 » Mon May 03, 2021 11:06 am

Seikooo wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 7:00 am Hello everyone, I'm quite new to the game, been figuring out what to play for a day or two and decided it is gonna be a DoK, now I'm wondering how do I build it, what are viable specs ?
Thanks in advance
This is the typical Chalice heal build.

You can swap out Discipline/Patch Wounds as you see fit but unlike Warrior Priests, heal DoKs don't get a lot of great tactics to play with. I'm still learning shield spec so I won't comment on builds.
[Hemingway Daiquiri(s)]

Posts: 18

Re: Building DoK

Post#6 » Mon May 03, 2021 11:48 am

Is it possible to dual wield and have decent heals? I really want to dual wield :(

Posts: 200

Re: Building DoK

Post#7 » Mon May 03, 2021 11:53 am

Tigersoul78 wrote: Mon May 03, 2021 11:48 am Is it possible to dual wield and have decent heals? I really want to dual wield :(
dual wield can do big heals but don't expect to win much, its a weak spec compared to chalice and shield

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Re: Building DoK

Post#8 » Mon May 03, 2021 1:38 pm

If you want to be a melee healer enjoy it while you can in T2-3 Sc's because it gets a bit harder to perform once you hit 40, with a good group and keeping your gear up to date with talis to take full advantage of bolstering, you are laughing I enjoyed levelling in Sc's on my Dok in shield spec a hell of a lot, topping damage and healing in many matches with a couple of friends/premades.

Just make sure to take advantage of how life tap healing works, you don't need LOS to heal your targets with life taps and they do not have a max range if you can target someone and can hit an enemy you can heal them through life taps. (this has saved many of my out of position groupmates)
also keep in mind you will get the best life taps the more damage you can do to an enemy which is obvious yes, but you may not know that WL pets/Engi turrets take a lot of damage so you are better off hitting them if you need to do a lot of healing very quickly, spamming Consume Essence on an Engi turret while targeting the friendly melee blob gets you a lot of healing very quickly and can save your group if you are taking a lot of aoe pressure.

Generally build wise you have two camps for Shield Dok you have the tanky build because a dead healer cant heal and then you have the aggressive build which stacks strength because more damage = more heals and dead enemies are the best enemies.

Both builds have merit but I prefer the aggressive builds myself, once you have unlocked the Empowered Transfer tactic you will find that you actually deal more damage than a duel wield Dok most of the time with better healing and team utility but slightly less ST damage. - Disciple of Khaine
this is a build for a 40/40 S-Dok I know you cant have all the tactics and points at the start but I would go for murderous intent first and then work my way up the right tree, I had 5 points spare once I unlocked Soul Ward so you can reach this build before level 40, but remember to play around with stuff, you may find Terrifying Aura is a better fit for your build if you feel too squishy or maybe going into the left tree and grabbing Soul Shielding works well for you just find stuff that fits your style.

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Re: Building DoK

Post#9 » Mon May 03, 2021 3:31 pm

To clarify why dual wield isn't a viable group healer (you can keep yourself up just fine), the two primary tactics used, Divine Fury and Murderous Intent, each apply a 20% penalty to cast heals. So your life-taps are fine. Just keep that in mind.

For shield dok, it is a blast leveling! I just finished getting to 40 and I can only echo what @deadlyhat said, and add that from CL (character level) 16-39 I spent most of my money on scrolls to reduce my xp gain (20 silver each, lasts one hour). It's an expensive option, but when I got CL40 my renown rank was ~54-56 area.

When you do get CL34+, you can run a dungeon (good friends or open-minded people willing) called Gunbad; has a block ring random drop too. The gear is decent for a fresh CL40 caster heal, but it allows you to wear the gear from the next dungeon set, Bloodwrought Burrows & Blood Enclave (BB+BE... also I might have the exact names wrong, been a while). These dungeons give you Sentinel gear, which is what you'll be using as a shield dok until you you get rr75+ and Best In Slot (Bis) gear. Then you just collect Invader gear to unlock (be able to wear, you can collect any gear you want at any time; you don't need Invader ring to get the Tomb of Knowledge unlock) from rr60-75 so you can start wearing Sovereign at 75. See, easy!

Best of luck, find a guild to run with and make friends along the way (heal and rez out of party!).
Chasing the golden carrot that is my alts.

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Posts: 18

Re: Building DoK

Post#10 » Fri May 07, 2021 2:35 pm

When you say life taps what skills should I be using? And should I not use my HoTs as much when I have that 20% reduction in healing?

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