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BG and IB Wb utility

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Posts: 230

BG and IB Wb utility

Post#1 » Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:05 pm

I feel like that this might be a topic worn to death, but can we talk about wb utility for two of the tanks in the game that I feel should just simply offer more. BG is in a better place than IB, as a wb can take 1
2h bg for crimson or POSSIBLY 1 snb bg for the m4 to break funnels (the 5% crit red on invader is really nice too), outside of that they are simply not useful in wb play. I understand that the tanks are more geared toward solo/small grp play, but it would be nice to have a bone thrown there way for the snb spec. Mabye I am completely wrong, if so thats ok, what are your thoughts?
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Posts: 22

Re: BG and IB Wb utility

Post#2 » Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:43 pm

Well fo beginners look at the starter stats of BG, and then at the starter stats of all the other tanks, then you know why BG is not in demand.

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Re: BG and IB Wb utility

Post#3 » Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:12 pm

I highly contest the theory that a warband would take less IBs than BGs.

First of all, the reality on the ground: order has way less tanks than destro. There is no way a warband will be picky unless they built with 7 tanks from guild/alliance and need just 1 more tank. Very few like that. Meanwhile on destro it's raining chosens and blorcs. (during my timezone at least).

Secondly, an IB has group AP pump. It's pretty good, if you know your rotation. With a knight in the party that group can get up to 180 AP every 10 seconds, 160 more realistically.

Besides that, IB has very strong buffs for mDPS. We're talking str, crit, parry, another AP pump and toughness (if a knight isn't present). Basically any group with at least one mDPS is a group where IB is viable.

Also remember that toughness buff? If your warband doesn't have enough knights an IB can get a talent that applies that buff to all friendly players near your oathfriens. Not just party, but warband and others as well. Still rarely used, but a viable option.

Lastly IBs are strong as hell thanks to a lot of defensive tactics and abilities. Besides toughness you have armor, dmg reduction proc, base dmg reduction + block chance, crit bonus reduction, parry buff, corp buff, self heal, magic absorb and (if you're a real mad lad) Oathshield.

BG has some good survival abilities as well, but frankly no good tactics imo, unlike IB.

IB could use a few small tweaks here and there maybe, but imo the class is in a good spot. Their ST base buffs make it a melee's best friend in any type of party, even 2H for smallscale, and their AP pump while not mind blowing is useful enough to give them the much needed group utility.

BG meanwhile does feel lacking in their group utility. I can see getting one for 2H spec, but similar to 2H knight, engi and magus: one is enough.

It could use the modern face tune IB got: that one ability/tactic that gives the entire party a decent buff?

Maybe a 13 pointer requiring shield that buffs wounds? I know most BOs run resistance or stat steal, so it could be a thing. Also wounds debuffs heal you as well so i can totally see it working with BO heal aura.
Idk, i don't main the class (i'd like to; love polearms).
SW, Kotbs, IB, Slayer, WP, WL, SM, Mara, SH, BG

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