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Huge bug - Everything gone!

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Huge bug - Everything gone!

Post#1 » Sat May 01, 2021 3:35 pm

Good day to everyone reading!

Today I experienced a massive in game bug which seems to be localised to just me (given the lack of response I got from advice chat asking if anyone else has experienced this).
I randomly got disconnected, when I logged back into the game 20 seconds later, I was able to run around (but apparently I'm dead as people were able to throw resurrections at me). All of my backpack items have disappeared, ALL of my talismans I have collected have completely disappeared AND all of my action bars completely wiped clean.. The only things my character still has is the items he has equipped. Where has this all disappeared too? Due to the other bugs that seem to be coming along with it (such as being dead but able to run around) it rules out a hack, you can tell its just my game bugging out.

Is there any help that can be provided to get all my items restored/ restore my character to his original not dead state? I cant interact with anything as I'm just met with the "you cannot do this whilst you are dead" type message.

Any help will be greatly appreciated as currently the game is literally unplayable.

P.S. I say "huge bug" assuming that this may not be an isolated issue. But maybe it is? *shrug*


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