Some Black Guard suggestions for BG Tank

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Posts: 46

Some Black Guard suggestions for BG Tank

Post#1 » Mon May 17, 2021 10:05 pm

Some shameless self promotion, linky to the feedback & suggestions page, where I posted a bit of a wall of text with suggestions for changes to the Black guard tank tree.


Reasoning on most to make the BG more able to protect his 'Dark Protector'.
After all, if KotBS/Chosen is the AoE buff/debuff tank, then at least BG should offer something else. And the tank tree specifically does seem a bit underwhelming.

All feedback on the thread over there pls.

Best regards,

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Posts: 117

Re: Some Black Guard suggestions for BG Tank

Post#2 » Sun Sep 26, 2021 6:53 pm

I would to bring balance between IB and BG implement furious howl improving with hatred. Then bring back Blade of Ruin but merging it with Malignant strike so that it's a 3 sec KD with a dot but requires a 2H to balance it out. That would improve the BG dps without making it OP.

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