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range SW or Engi

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Posts: 14

range SW or Engi

Post#1 » Sun Jul 18, 2021 7:50 pm

Hey all,

I have been leveling up a SW and engi, I have gotten them both to level 22 and I am really liking them both and I am having trouble choosing which one to level to 40, for pure range for endgame, would you say engi or SW is in a better spot? I want to do ranked 6v6 scenarios, some open rvr, but mainly smaller skirmish stuff.


Posts: 551

Re: range SW or Engi

Post#2 » Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:25 pm

You will see each class for real once you reach 40 lvl and be able to use every skill. SW is very mobile class and can kite anyone to death but Engi is good to defend flags and gates. Excellent AoE damage is domain of Engi. Longer range tools are available to both but SW has more ofc.

So, you need to decide what is your preference and move in that direction.
KingSchultz WH, Valknutt WP, Glendhu ENG, Lochdhu IB, Tamdhu SL

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Posts: 48

Re: range SW or Engi

Post#3 » Mon Jul 19, 2021 4:22 am

Engi is a dumpster fire rn don't recommend unless you fancy being a magnet bot

Posts: 551

Re: range SW or Engi

Post#4 » Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:55 am

A very questionable statement. I liked Engi more and I couldn't stand playing SW. Everyone has own preferences.

If you want an opinion of someone who played Engi in every possible build find Fixxer YouTube channel. He talks in detail about every spec of Engi. Do not know anything like that for SWs but someone could do a comprehensive review too, have a look around.
KingSchultz WH, Valknutt WP, Glendhu ENG, Lochdhu IB, Tamdhu SL

My WH guide: viewtopic.php?t=46354

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Re: range SW or Engi

Post#5 » Mon Jul 19, 2021 8:31 am

Keep in mind engi and SW ave overplayed since a looong time in Order, and are not very "meta" so for engame you'll either struggle to find spots in organized warbands (city especially), and forget about 6v6 ranked, wich is semi-playable as a melee SW, but almost impossible to win withh an inge (or you got lucky and/or uber skilled).

All classes are fun to play 1-39, but when you hit 40 and start engame content, you will find meta is heavily melee-favored, and overuse of ranged Order-side is detrimental since we lack frontline to make them shine.
You will spend most of your time fleeing than really charging into destru blob. But it can of course suit you, just be prepared... ;)

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Re: range SW or Engi

Post#6 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 1:25 am

Based on what you wanna do SW is better as it has better CC and incoming heal debuff, also better kiting tools. No reason to pick Engy over a SW.

Posts: 76

Re: range SW or Engi

Post#7 » Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:48 am

i can just give my 2 cent idea: engi is very good in orvr, siege and , maybe, cities. Tinkerer magnet is just way too hilarious and kegsniper is very nice in sieges to chop off healers heads.
concerning melee meta, yes so far is melee favoured end game. so do not bother with ranked scenarios or siilar stuff.

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Re: range SW or Engi

Post#8 » Tue Aug 03, 2021 10:51 am

Pure Range SW or Engi on Sniperbuild is nice and fun in oRvR and Keep Sieges and especially defences.
Where the Engi has the better cards with the Gunturret Range Bonus to push his standard attacks to 125ft and the Snipe to far greater ranges.

SW on stance is 110 feet. Both can get Onslaugt Gloves (+5ft) or 5 piece Invader (+10ft) to push it even more. It is quite usefull to be on a 3rd floor and shoot at people that can't shot back.
The SW is there with less Range. Also most utilities Shots of the SW are more like 65ft Range and in Scout Stance. You will not win there much.
The SW Gunblast on 1sec with tactic is a dps blast though.

Both are completely useless in SCs or Ranked or Cities. We had fun in the past with Sniper Groups in SCs but if destro has a working melee gang they will rip you appart.

Both Classes can be build though to kiting. The Engi on his grenade tree and the SW on his.
As said check Fixxers Videos on the grenadier.
IMPORTANT: Never go Glasscannon. Destro want and will catch you. How much you kite anyway. Every Class in a SC and City needs to be capable of surviving that Knockdown and focused Damage by some Destro DPS for 5 seconds.

Also as said, places for Engis and SW in City Warbands are very limited.
Rolgrom on SMASH did some cities with 6 SW and AoE + Focused fire coordination. It needed work and a very strict leadership to function. But apart from that you are very low on the picking list.

Posts: 76

Re: range SW or Engi

Post#9 » Tue Aug 03, 2021 10:58 am

i do not agree. SW in scenario single target spec is very good. I am playing it and, even though vvanquisher gear, i can global enemy healers in 5 seconds time. (thanks to healdebuff). I do not play ranked though, but in the unlucky ase i would i will go as assault SW melee build

Posts: 631

Re: range SW or Engi

Post#10 » Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:21 pm

Sw much better since they nerfed eng and magus by 20%.
My Eng aoe dots tickles while the sw dots atleast do something.

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