[BO] Black Orc Tweak.

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Posts: 141

[BO] Black Orc Tweak.

Post#1 » Sat Sep 10, 2022 1:21 pm

So, as we know, BO had it's Waaagh cooldown taken away and give to Choppa. This now pairs Choppa with SM crossover ability. BO also has no real guard break punt. There exists in Age of Reckoning a quasi-foursome pairing already with WL/Mara and SH/SW. Given the first step has been made with Whispering winds being on choppa and given the state of BO as far as utility goes in punting. I suggest the following.

1) Make Mor 'ardcore tactic a guard breaking punt range and move to slot 3 Path of da' Boss.

2) Add new tactic in its place (slot 11 path of da' toughest) that mimics Slayer's Runic Blessing tactic. Waaagh Revenge: Upon falling in battle, you have a 25% chance of returning with 25% health with a 10% bonus to block, parry, dodge, and disrupt for 10 seconds.

3) Make You Got Nuffin' a core tactic like on SM.
Nihrandil [SM] 84, Arendollus [WL] 83, Caelroran [SW] 56, Thaler [WH] 83, Tionac [AM] 54, Hocke [Kotbs] 51
Gilgamash [BO] 82, Kaylor [Mara] 82, Gobsmack [Sham] 63 Jockitch [SH] 55


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