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Destruction Healer?

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Posts: 6

Destruction Healer?

Post#1 » Tue May 23, 2023 5:56 pm

I'm a returning player, although I never played a healer before. I'm debating between Zealot and Shaman for my healing character that I want to make. I am aware of the WAAGH mechanic for Shaman and don't think it'll be a big issue for me (read on the forums to pretty much ignore this until later). I have absolutely no interest in DoK, so please don't try to convince me on that :-P

What I'm looking for is a class that has at least decent heals (don't want to be waiting hours in LFG) but can also put out a respectable amount of damage (don't want to take 5 minutes to kill a lv 1 mob while leveling).

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Re: Destruction Healer?

Post#2 » Tue May 23, 2023 7:26 pm

Every healer is good and only dok falls down with amount of the heals being slightly lower but they are also more tankier than your sham/zeal. You will not wait in LFG because you picked healer X. Soo pick whatever you feel like you are more interested in. Zealot will be slightly worse for farming mobs for butchering/scavenging due to his worse dps spec than shammy.
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Re: Destruction Healer?

Post#3 » Tue May 23, 2023 7:45 pm

you can ignore shams mechanic, i know some of the best heal shams preload stacks when they have the time but at a lower lvl you do not have the AP to spare

+ gobbo racial tactics
+ aoe hot
+ choice of mobile and big static st hea
+ can stack toughness super high
+ awesome buffs
+ ranged punt (fun on maps with hazards, or to knock people off keeps at certain angles)
+ AP drain
- no flash, and 5sec hot on mobile heal means you aren't as efficient when healing yourself under pressure whilst trying to run away/kite towards a tank
- AP is an issue early on, though you get options to deal with it later

+ flash heal
+ bubble procs (can outprotec tanks in SCs)
+ ap feeding for days
+ long stagger
+ extremely good morales
- no grp cleanse
- marks are a pain in the ass to constantly apply and reapply
- order is like 50% WH on a bad day. they will laser focus you and can kill you during the KD if you don't spec full def. early t4 SCs will be hell, a bis WH means you basically can't play sometimes

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