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[Chosen] Need help with who to target

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Re: [Chosen] Need help with who to target

Post#11 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:21 pm

in pubs you do need to float guard to your healer sometimes, if more than 1 big dps gets to them
in that case the dps you're guarding should also notice and either fall back to help deal with them or just play more cautiously whilst you go alone
if your dps keeps diving whilst your healer is dying you have to drop him to run back and help the healer

challenge attackers -> guard heal -> punt biggest threat -> other cc on others
if you have an aoe punt use it
if you have other dmg reducing effects (nidf, talon, kneecapper) use them too
(nvm as chosen you have nothing, just keep them snared and ravage for some pressure at least. also pot so healer can just focus heal themselves and not worry about you)
if you have shield wall m2 use it to switch guard dmg off for 10 seconds. if you have m3 use that instead, though i can't remember how exactly challenge/detaunt/bellow stacks...

really you should stop mdps getting to your backline healers in the first place with your cc but sometimes it's not possible if it's a multiple point sc with people running about everywhere or the enemy has lots of stealth

but guard goes on your dps by default and whenever your healer is not in danger. if a healer is asking for guard during setup they are just being dumb unless your group has no dps i guess

Posts: 54

Re: [Chosen] Need help with who to target

Post#12 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:12 pm

Mostly what tazdingo said but for the love of god (and your team) DON'T AOE PUNT.... You will give them 30secs immunity to same effects (single target punt and stagger). St punt is vastly preferable since you punt away one target (usually a tank) while you chop down the one not punted (usually the un-guarded now dps/healer). Aoe punt is for very specific cases where either there is no other alternative (for example if you have only 2 healers in a scenario and one of them is going down even though he is guarded, his attackers challenged and you dont have any other way to save him) or it is highly beneficial with no actual drawback (punting a grp of enemies down a cliff or a ledge from where it will take them time to get back to the fight).

Other than that, tanks have more impact than other archtypes in non-hardcore gameplay when played right. Keep your eyes on your grps health. Keep an eye on their position/distance to you. Keep an eye to any potential threat to ANY grp member. And be rdy for fast reactions. When the whole party is under pressure you will probably find yourself swapping guard maybe every 2 gcds... So put guard on the easiest accessible shortcut (mouse 5 maybe?) Your 1st priority is to keep the grp alive. If you do that well, it won't matter whom you hit. If chosen is like kotbs, you can actually be effective in your role with only 3 key bindings... Guard, challenge and punt. Master those 3 your allies will love you

The reason you start with guard on dps (and more specifically melee dps) is because probably they will be the first to receive dmg along with tanks. So starting with guard on them saves you an action in 99% of the cases
yes i'm toxic but i speak the "truth"
(disclaimer: "truth" is subjective to a person's point of view and possible personal interest)
congratulations! your vision is perfect!
rly? don't you have anything better to do?

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Posts: 1216

Re: [Chosen] Need help with who to target

Post#13 » Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:19 pm

its ok-ishhhh for saving healers in a pinch... especially if the healer then runs in the correct direction. if they end up with 3 we on them which happens hilariously more often than youd think in discordant its try the aoe punt or they're dead anyway

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Posts: 374

Re: [Chosen] Need help with who to target

Post#14 » Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:29 am

Assist your guarded dps.Set up your buffhead addon to have a guard icon to show above guarded enemies.If your target has guard try to slow and superpunt the tank guarding him.Interrupt ress with taunt if able.Switch guard if needed.Use Swift assist and set your guarded dps as main assist to have easier life.If you are like me and have a shitty aoe punt dont give away free immunities to enemy.Bo aoe punt is very situational ,can work fine if the goal is punt groups off towers or cliffs but its basically useless in any other sitution.Being a chosen gives you a decent punt that gets better in case you use the punt tactic too.

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