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Question for Devs

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Question for Devs

Post#1 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 2:57 pm

Iam happy for you that your skill rework is in place and what that has to offer for faster/easier changes and tho iam not concerned for changes to balance, dmg aso I have 1 very big concern. RvR has already reached a all time high in Blobbing Zerg v Zerg, WC-Farming and Kill-trading and 2023 bin worst Iv seen since game launched 2008. There is very little skill and hardly any place for smallscale or even WB v WB action anymore and now this Engi/Magus insta 100ft pulls (wich is far worse then Choppas btw) wich makes RvR even more boring and stale wich I didnt think was possible. RvR is just now 2 Zergs with absolutly no skill what so ever standing and waiting for AoE pulls and its like watching paint dry.

Numbers has dropped in a few days from 900+ to around 5-600+ in EU prime and sure alot has iam sure to do with PvE not working still I hear things from ingame friends and longtime players and my question to you Devs is this the final version of those pulls or simple something placeholder ?

Iv never bin more bored and worried about the state of RvR in this game so really want an answer, even if its just a YES or NO

Also I dont want comments nor opinions from other players here they dont intrest me, its my opinion on the game and specailly what thos pulls now do to the RvR and I care about answer from Devs only tnx.
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Re: Question for Devs

Post#2 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:34 pm

I thought Engie and Magus pulls were 75 feet now? Has something changed? I also was not aware they are instant now. Interesting :-)

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Re: Question for Devs

Post#3 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:36 pm

solo players complaining, classic.

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Re: Question for Devs

Post#4 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:44 pm

lemao wrote: Wed Dec 13, 2023 3:36 pm solo players complaining, classic.
iamgine if u could read
Ravezaar Slayer rr86
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Re: Question for Devs

Post#5 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:18 pm

I wouldn't base the data of just a few days as an accurate number on the population of the server, not to mention it is December and numbers WILL drop through-out the month.

It's way too early to panic and fearmonger like that.

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Re: Question for Devs

Post#6 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:31 pm

I mean ... your opinion or comment has the same value to me as mine has to you as it seems :P
~ Just kidding, imagine being nice to the community in your initial post. Crazy thoughts !

To get back to topic:
Blob vs Blob or Zerg vs Zerg as some ppl call it, is a problem made by the playerbase. I have seen some hours of each faction just taking the 2 BOs close to the keep and running boxes as a zerg ... then sieging when AAO shows that they outnumber the enemy heavily. Sadly, it seems alot of ppl favor this type of gameplay, otherwise they would roam in smaller grps or que scenarios.

Numbers have dropped for sure, which is kinda normal during christmas time and the initial phase of balance patching (its the same in other games ... alot of patches and balancing usually keeps ppl from playing or investing time as it could be wasted on wrong sets, rollbacks, whatever). Therefore, pretty normal behaviour and situation.

Big factor for sure is the missing PVE content right now, be it PQ because of difficulty increase (which is also problematic with fewer players online) and no progress for sentinel and bloodlord or even beastlord/hunters vale.
Alot of ppl simply decide to wait until it's fixed again and working. Which is also one answer to your questions .... PvE Dungeon will be working again ofc. ... gunbad is active, Bastion stair should be close to being rdy and reopened again (you would have been able to find these infos yourself with some time investment).

You maybe dont like my answer or don't care ... but it's pretty much what you can read on the official discord ... or news. Therefore, thx for accepting my opinion to this.
Pretty much all of your questions got already answered if you invest some time looking for it (forum/discord). Inlcuding why they went live with this balance patch in the current state and what to be expected with future updates .... *shrug*
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Re: Question for Devs

Post#7 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:41 pm

Balance patch nerf all spec that require some brain. Previously, we had several options for playing each class, now practically each class has only 1 sensible way to play. And sad to say it's mostly 1-3 button play.

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Re: Question for Devs

Post#8 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 7:14 pm

They are still just 75ft, pretty simple to test as well.
And they are not instant, the cast time is still 1 second.

In the hotfix today the random distance from patch 1.3.0b has been fixed as well, so not everyone ends up at the same spot with tons of body blocking and collision.

Electromagnet: This ability will now pull victims into a more widely-randomized area. Enemies will still be pulled in toward the caster, but not necessarily all to the caster's precise spot.

So AFAIK it should now work pretty much like it did on live.

If that ends up being too OP we might adjust it. But there was no megabuff to it in this patch to instant cast 100ft radius.
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Re: Question for Devs

Post#9 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 7:34 pm

Lisutaris wrote: Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:31 pm To get back to topic:
Blob vs Blob or Zerg vs Zerg as some ppl call it, is a problem made by the playerbase. I have seen some hours of each faction just taking the 2 BOs close to the keep and running boxes as a zerg ... then sieging when AAO shows that they outnumber the enemy heavily. Sadly, it seems alot of ppl favor this type of gameplay, otherwise they would roam in smaller grps or que scenarios.
I pretty much upvote and don't have much more to add to that.

This is also the feeling we've got with a friend with which we returned on the server to play Destro, at least during US timezone it does feel pretty stale, mate. :D

We've been able to have our fun by running 2-3man on the fringe of the action and leveling characters in scenario when we manage to have any pop, but for sure PVE being de-activated (slowing our gear progression) and BG3 releasing Honor mode are big factor in both of us playing a lot less than before the "evil" update, which we pretty much like all around and hope the best for.

But it's also structural problems, pop too low, long duration cc inexistant, and it's far easier et rewarding to mindlessly follow and press one button than doing the uphill battle of actually playing when a good portion of what you will encounter have far superior gear.

(about low pop, when you have 500 players on a server, 200 on one side, 300 on the other, the impact is much more important than if there were 3 000players, 1600 one side, 1400 the other)

I don't know if there is any solution for this game, beside the community coming to an accord to stop zergs/blobs and promote more small scale pvp with occasionnal blob fight for structures.

That would be my solution, maybe not the best, but certain the best I could come up with.

Edit : I don't dislike Warband play, but i'm forced to recognize that sometimes, there's a lot of small scale pvp going on, then a warband enter the scene, and everything devolve into zerg vs zerg in the middle of the map until one side get bored and leave then a siege happen.
Last edited by mielgato on Wed Dec 13, 2023 7:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Question for Devs

Post#10 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 7:41 pm

" now this Engi/Magus insta 100ft pulls (wich is far worse then Choppas btw) "

You're not even getting ye facts straight about what you're complaining about.

Its not 100 feet and its not instant and both sides have it and it most DEFINITELY is not worse than what we had before with choppas pulling by 10 thousand leagues.

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