Server Status

Martyrs Square (EN)
Player count :
Up since:
2025-01-13 08:22:38
Faction ratio (Order/Destruction) :
Tier 1 (208) :
Tier 2+ (614) :
Total :


Armory - Item

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Goblin Bar-Back

Bind on pickup

Calls forth a git to carry your grog.

Minimum Rank: 1

Race: Orc, Goblin, Dark Elf, Chaos

Use: Calls forth a keg toting Goblin servant.

Sold by

Dropped by

Reagent for

Created from

Rewarded from

Rewarded from

Used to purchase

Starts Quest

Ends Quest

Found in

Item Entry Item Name Creature Entry Creature Name Realm Price Tok Guild RequiredItemId RequiredItemName RequiredItemQuantity ZoneId Zone
Item Entry Item Name Creature Entry Creature Name
Item Entry Item Name Reagent Entry Reagent Name Power Duration Result
Item Entry Item Name Reagent Entry Reagent Name Power Duration Result
Quest Entry Quest Name Item Entry Item Name Quantity
Public Quest Entry Name Bag Item Entry Name Quantity
Item Entry Item Name Item Entry Item Required Quantity
Item Entry Item Name Quest Entry Quest Name
Item Entry Item Name Quest Entry Quest Name
Item Entry Item Name GameObject Entry Game Object Drop Chance