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The green one

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Posts: 1

The green one

Post#1 » Sat May 30, 2020 11:47 am

Waaagh! :mrgreen:

Hi everyone!
Im totally new in Warhammer Online and so for RoR. I have some experience from other MMO's (Rift, WoW, Lineage2, etc.) which i played a lot.
For now im trying to learn how RoR works. Starting by a Magus but after 9 lvls i realize that my soul demands of other gamestyle. So i become a Choppa who fits better to my bloodthirsty point of view.
Im really happy that i discovered You (RoR) even if it was while playing WoW :P
Great job for those who reanimate this game! Respect for You! \m/
I hope we will meet at the battlefield soon! ;)
Nick ingame - Krognal (by which You can also know me from other mmo's)
I am friendly, unless You stand in front of me during the bloodsheed :twisted:
... but mostly friendly :D

For Gork and Mork!


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