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Posts: 1

New to the game.

Post#1 » Sat Mar 06, 2021 9:51 pm

Hello all,

Just thought I’d introduce myself as it’s the polite thing to do...being Canadian and all. I am a long time Warhammer tabletop guy. Though just in the last few years have I really gotten back into it. I never played the original Warhammer Online when it was popular due to just where I was in life at that time, but was always interested. So when I found out about RoR, I jumped. Dark Elves, Goblins and Vampire Counts we’re always my favs but I think I’m going to have to at least try the Squig Herder, because reasons. From the very little I’ve read, it’s not the most popular choice, but whatever...
So hello all, and I look forward to playing this sweet sweet game.


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