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Posts: 4

Shoutout to all

Post#1 » Fri Feb 09, 2018 6:07 am

Hi there,

i decided to introduce myself. I was playing on live server for round about 2 years i think and since i am now bored as hell i decided to give Warhammer a try.

Some of the old german player may know me, i was Discoklaus a Choppa on Erengrad and Drakenwald.

Here are 2 of my old videos i was making at the time, hopefully some of you will enjoy them.

Since Work now takes a major part of my time i wont be able to play as often as i did on live. But i will try my best to reach max level soon and head into action.
I am still torn between playing marauder or slayer.
I really like both of them. but since order is the underdog and needs a few more players i tend to level my slayer first.

hope to see you guys soon


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