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Assault Stance: Dodge/Parry Strikethrough

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Re: Assault Stance: Dodge/Parry Strikethrough

Post#11 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:15 am

Torquemadra wrote:I can, via assault stance, move the strikethrough from dodge to parry, this would move all dodge strikethrough off ranged abilities though, some of which you can still use in assault
That might make the heal debuff a bit harder to apply, what do people think of this as a trade off?
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Re: Assault Stance: Dodge/Parry Strikethrough

Post#12 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:16 am

Moving dodge strikethrough to parry actually makes a lot of sense (for missing out on 2h/SnB/DW bonus).
(I still have a hard time grasping ppl don't seem to use PD as it would be the first tactic I'd slot in any stance (solo / duel possible exception). Isn't it morale type as well which makes it even more shiny?)
Last edited by Bozzax on Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:11 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Assault Stance: Dodge/Parry Strikethrough

Post#13 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:48 am

Not really. Standard tactics are MA, Power Draw, IA, and either Leading Shots, Bullseye, or swap EA for MA when bombing. I guess you could slot PD instead but the other 4/5 are better in most situations. The only time I could see PD being useful is if you're supporting another or two other DPS against a melee train.

Completely fine with a trade-off personally. Assault is a melee stance. You don't have much room to complain if your dodge strikethrough goes down because you're in assault.
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Re: Assault Stance: Dodge/Parry Strikethrough

Post#14 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:13 am

Would it be possible to add a melee proc to assault stance as well (similar to mara)?

Example: 25% on hit 5s non refreshing AA-speed buff would be kind of shiny
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Re: Assault Stance: Dodge/Parry Strikethrough

Post#15 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:33 am

lefze wrote:
anarchypark wrote:
lefze wrote: If you can't get PD to proc, that would mean OPs issue doens't exist, just saying.
since when proc chance of PD become measure for right strikethrough number?
strikethrough is just dps stat, higher better.
OP wants higher strikethrough as 1h mdps = less PD.
why would u use tactic that will proc less in your build.

if you wants high PD, go with less strikethrough/BS. ( already told u i hit like deftard tank )
maybe there is golden zone, getting strikethrough and PD both. idk.
let us know if u find it.
First of all, you hit like a deftard tank because you have half the offensive stats you could easily achieve. I mean, you can litterally softcap ws and still almost softcap ballskill/strenght, without slotting Masterful aim (which you should never do, really).

Second thing I wanna point out is that BS/strenght doesn't affect enemy dodge/parry at all, unless their initiative/ws is like 1k+, which is insane to even discuss, and the whole matter of disussing how strikethrough is gonna negatively affect PD is also pretty insane. I mean, you're never gonna get 20+ strikethrough on gear, even with the proposed changes of the OP, so PD will proc anyways as it doesn't have an ICD or proc chance, it's 100% chance to activate whenever someone avoids an attack. The point is, the "golden zone" for PD doesn't exist, it is situationally useful, just as a tactic should be. Either your target has avoidance, and it WILL proc no matter what and be supergood, or your taget doesn't and it won't proc and there is no need for you to worry about avoidance.

And it seems you didn't understand why I brought up PD. I'm more or less saying that the change proposed would still not balance melee sw to other mdps because of only having one sword. Giving SW the dualwield bonus instead of increasing strikethrough would even out the power between a sw, and let's say a WE or marauder as they would have more equal parry. And having a 15% strikethough tactic should really be an obvious tactic to slot if you got problems with attacks being defended.

And now, taking PD into account when discussing the changes of the OP would probably make them a little bit too strong when only taking your outgoing damage into account. You could essentially build to strike through massive amounts of parry, and still not be competitive, as the enemy would still have more parry than you thanks thanks to the dualwield bonus.

So all in all I believe there is a balance issue between SW and other mdps when it comes to parry, but I don't think it would be balanced out by just doing the change OP suggested.
OP want parry strikethrough without tactic slot. parry strikethrough AND 4th dps tactic.
for melee dps.
what is PD+dps melee build? who play that?

I agree OP solution wouldn't change much. but it also wouldn't be out of balance.
there is no 'one time super solution' for ASW. it might need various of changes.
Torquemadra wrote:I can, via assault stance, move the strikethrough from dodge to parry, this would move all dodge strikethrough off ranged abilities though, some of which you can still use in assault
i'm neutral. time to ask range SW who use assault armor buff in ranges.
@OP : on your build, how much parry strikethrough do u get from this change?
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Re: Assault Stance: Dodge/Parry Strikethrough

Post#16 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 9:52 am

This whole thread is getting ridiculous, OP insisting on using Masetrful Aim it seems, while seemingly slotting to get 5% dodge strikethrough from gear and making an issue out of not getting that strikethough in a melee build. The choices are obviously there to drop MA for PD to get that strikethough without much compromise, with simply changing gear to a bit more optimal mix. The fact is, gearing for strikethough at all is ridiculous, as optimally mixed gear has more or less 0% of it. Hell, even full conq only has 4%, unless you slot 3 genesis, which due to stats is arguably kinda wasted, and would give 7% total. Still less than PD. Now slotting PD and applying the change OP suggests gives a bit more decent numbers, but I would never slot full conq in a assault build. And dominator has 0% on it, just mentioning it.

Realistically speaking, when min-maxing gear the only strikethrough I can afford to take is the 3% from genesis.

Overall I strongly disagree these particular changes would help close the avoidance imbalance between sw and other classes. I've already written what I think should be done here, and I stand by it.
Edit: Since we are apparently discussing other builds than melee builds aswell here, just gotta throw in that in a bomb build, the strongest one SW has atm, you would slot Instinctive aim, bullseye, Expert skirmisher and No respite. No respite is easily interchangeable to Pierce defense depending on what destro comps look like. In a assault build you would run Instintive aim, wrist slah, sinister assault and as last tactic either No respite, Expert skirmisher(Yes it is **** broken and viable for every build atm) or you can slot Pierce defense. Unless party demands Leading shots, you still got room for pierce defense if you face too many tanks/mdps.
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Re: Assault Stance: Dodge/Parry Strikethrough

Post#17 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:31 pm

Gotta agree with lefse, this is a non issue imo. Rather focus on AA, actual dmg output and parry for assault spec rather than strikethrough in a low str ASW scenario.
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Re: Assault Stance: Dodge/Parry Strikethrough

Post#18 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:58 pm

Torquemadra wrote:I can, via assault stance, move the strikethrough from dodge to parry, this would move all dodge strikethrough off ranged abilities though, some of which you can still use in assault
The only issue with that is, like anarchypark said, it inadvertently hurts Skirmish SW's who swap into Assault to pop Acid Arrow and use the double armor while getting pressured. Though the trade-off is small either way so if you feel like for balance (or ease of implementation) converting is the way to go then who am I to disagree.

@Lefze please find one place in this thread where I say i use MA in Assault, let alone insist on using it.

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Re: Assault Stance: Dodge/Parry Strikethrough

Post#19 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:02 pm

Manatikik wrote: The only issue with that is, like anarchypark said, it inadvertently hurts Skirmish SW's who swap into Assault to pop Acid Arrow and use the double armor while getting pressured.
You can swap to Scout for Acid Arrow.

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Re: Assault Stance: Dodge/Parry Strikethrough

Post#20 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:08 pm

Penril wrote:
Manatikik wrote: The only issue with that is, like anarchypark said, it inadvertently hurts Skirmish SW's who swap into Assault to pop Acid Arrow and use the double armor while getting pressured.
You can swap to Scout for Acid Arrow.
Yes but as a Skirmish SW then all you're capable of doing is apply DoT's and GA (which I do when I feel like I need to) whereas you can use Acid Arrow from Assault and immediately follow up with SFA (with +8% armor pen from the Assault buff) and take more pressure from melee (the double armor + detaunt makes most pressure from MDPS Pug's laughable). But as dan said Assault is primarily for Melee (or close combat) so there should/could be a downside for using Assault as a Skirmish SW besides not having access to Takedown and Eye Shot (though anyone who plays just in one Stance is a non-factor in balance discussion I'd assume).

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