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New player, order is getting absolutely clowned

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New player, order is getting absolutely clowned

Post#1 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:20 pm

So i recently started playing, I made a KOTBS and a SM on order side and truth be told that has been a great mistake in my opinion. Order loses probably 95% of scenarios and RVR. And its not even close, its a stomp every single time. I started as KOTBS but we were basically never able to kill anything so i switched to SM cause its supposed to be the damage tank. I like SM more based on the fact i can get more kills

At first I thought we were just getting zerged but honestly thats not really it, because then we should do fine in scenarios if that was the case. But taking a closer look i think its really the class distribution. Chaos always has at least 2 of the mushroom goblin healers on their team, Order rarely has more than a single healer. Order also rarely has more than 1-2 tanks. All my parties are filled with endless dps. This morning at nordland our 24man group had 1 KOTBS, 2 SM and 2 warrior priest YIKES.

Should i just reroll destruction? Does it ever get better for Order?

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Re: New player, order is getting absolutely clowned

Post#2 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:25 pm

T1 is a **** show, anything can happen. People make alts all the time. Don't judge the game based off T1.
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Re: New player, order is getting absolutely clowned

Post#3 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:26 pm

You could either play a healer or join/form a group with all needed archetypes and win almost all sc. It is in your control, with who you play, make premades. You are most likely not the only one, who is annoyed by random group setups.
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Re: New player, order is getting absolutely clowned

Post#4 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:28 pm

You can play both sides a lot of people do that including me. Maybe just pick one main character to have on each side then you can decide to swap sides if people suck on whatever side your on. It gets boring just playing one side and population can shift pretty to what side has the numbers.

Posts: 542

Re: New player, order is getting absolutely clowned

Post#5 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:29 pm

From 1-39 on either side its a mess and the only solution is to make your own group. Making your own group isn't easy as people don't like grouping up and you can spam for an hour for an archetype with no success. The best time to find people is on the weekend for the weekend warfront.

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Re: New player, order is getting absolutely clowned

Post#6 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:31 pm

I think it depends on time of day for the most part. At least in the lower levels. Yesterday at night, i was in quite a few scenarios where the matches ended pretty close. Destro did win most but then come about 8 am or so and order was crushing us. Not sure why, but we zerged to a flag and the whole group was obliterated in about two minutes. Last night though all of em i ran we lost. It really does seem to be based on how many healers and how many tanks each side has though.

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Re: New player, order is getting absolutely clowned

Post#7 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 5:12 pm

Don’t play pug scens expecting anything but trash dps on Order. Otherwise you will go nuts and quit the game.

Ppl actually play good classes from all archetypes on destro so their random grps actually function.

You are better off spending that time treating this game like social media and trying to make friends to grp with. Then once you have a 2 tank, 2 dps, 2 healer grp, you go back and farm those same pugs.
Brynnoth Goldenbeard (40/80) (IB) -- Rundin Fireheart (40/50) (RP) -- Ungrinn (40/40) (Engi)-- Bramm Bloodaxe (40/83) (Slayer) and a few Empire characters here or there, maybe even an elf.

Posts: 146

Re: New player, order is getting absolutely clowned

Post#8 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 5:24 pm

If you want a frustration-free experience, roll Destro. Their classes are mechanically stronger and they have a larger population.

And yes, getting set up against stronger teams is normal in SCs, the matchmaking algorithm seems to prefer pugs vs premades.

Also, when you complain about lack of healers, keep in mind Order has only 2 healer classes while Destro has 3 (AM is nearly useless as a healer, shammy isn't), and that it only gets worse after T1.

Posts: 15

Re: New player, order is getting absolutely clowned

Post#9 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 6:43 pm

This is a game that rewards coordination over anything else. The only faction differences that I've noticed is that getting people to queue up and not solo queue on order is like pulling teeth, where as on destro side there's premade groups forming all the time.

T1 itself changes all the time, and for the most part it's based off population which side is going to have an easier time. Neither side is "frustration free" and destro is not "stronger mechanically" no matter what the bad players want to tell themselves(mechanics are mirrored, that's really a ridiculous statement).

The easiest time you're going to have leveling is forming a premade and grinding scenarios, and that's true for both sides.
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Posts: 41

Re: New player, order is getting absolutely clowned

Post#10 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 7:59 pm

TheNoseKnows wrote: Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:20 pm S This morning at nordland our 24man group had 1 KOTBS, 2 SM and 2 warrior priest YIKES.
I've only been back a little while but what I believe this is the problem. Order doesn't have a strong melee line like Destro. I mained an IB on live, and I tried leveling one again in RoR and I noped the hell outta that. IB is just not a fun class to play, someone made the analogy of playing the piano and they hit it on the head. It is too complicated for so little of a reward. KoBs is hella easier but you are basically there just for the aura. So 90% of order rolls ranged and we get destroyed.

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