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Brutality Marauder Feedback

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Brutality Marauder Feedback

Post#1 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:07 am

Now that Wave of Terror decent damage and the morale drain has been moved there, i feel like it's time to take a look at Brutality and finally rescue it from the garbage tier it has been in for years now. Only moving the morale drain to Wave of Terror is not going to do anything to make Brutality a viable path. (It doesn't stop wb marauders from going back to their morale drain/stop roots either)

My intention is to make main Brutality marauders a playable build and as such the suggestions here have as little of an effect as possible on already good builds like Savagery.

There's multiple reasons as to why Brutality Marauders aren't a viable spec, but primarly it comes down to four main issues: no utility, no damage, lack of things to press and too much time spent stance dancing.

The game advertises the Path as focused on "Inflicting heavy damage to a single opponent". but that's not true at all. With the recent buffs, the path now provides barely enough damage to compete with 2h offensive tanks like BGs/SMs/BOs. Compared to Savagery or other Dps classes, the damage is far, far inferior. None of the offensive abilities in the tree provide good enough damage outside of Guillotine.

The utility is also lacking. Brutality is forced between losing Unstable Convulsion and Mutated Aggressor to take both Cutting Claw and Deadly Clutch, trading something that is required for something else that is also required. Both cases are a lose-lose scenario, choosing between bad or also bad. Even with +2 from Sov, taking all of those abilities and tactics means losing either Feeding on Fear or Piercing Bite, resulting in yet another lose-lose scenario.

Much of the lack of utility and damage comes from simply lacking buttons to press without constantly stance dancing to Savagery the entire time. While stance dancing is part of the class and i do enjoy doing it, spending 75% of my time stance dancing is obnoxious. No Touch of Rot or Mouth of Tzeentch and more importantly no Gut Ripper to combo with Wave of Terror, which is the hardest hitting instant ability of Brutality.

I have some suggestions that would make Brutality a better build for both warband and smallscale play.

Convulsive Slashing should be part of the baseline ability and it's damage increased to at least compete with T'ree Hit Combo/Ether Dance. This should be the core ability of Brutality marauders (Along with Wave of Terror), providing both utility from shattering and high damage. It's a channeled ability which also means it has skillful counterplay.

Gut Ripper, Mouth of Tzeentch and Draining Swipes should be usable with Gift of Brutality. Stance dancing has to be toned down a little in addition of giving Brutality more damaging abilities to use.

Gift of Brutality should increase auto attack damage by 50% and Auto Attack Haste by 15%. Certain offhand swing component is removed. Savagery's dot greatly outdamages gift of brutality and that shouldn't be the case.

Unstable Convulsions tactic replaced by [insert edgy tactic name]. Wave of Terror AP cost is removed and now applies a 50% healdebuff that lasts 8s. Morale Drain removed and range reduced by 10 feet. Makes Brutality Marauders wanted in both WBs and 6man groups, tones down Order's 50% healbuff to entire groups that destro has no way of countering. Cleansable, 8s duration and reduced range means no 100% uptime healdebuff on an entire warband unless multiple marauders run it, reducing overall damage considerably. For Smallscale, it means trading Deeply Impaled or Feeding on Fear/Piercing Bite. Both very valuable tactics on a marauder.
They done stole my character's names. Can't have **** in RoR.


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