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Launcher and Installation FAQ

Problems installing or downloading the game? Check the Install Guide first.
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Launcher and Installation FAQ

Post#1 » Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:54 pm

Before You Post:

Common problems are addressed in the "Solutions to Common Issues" section below. Make sure you have read it.

If you do not find your problem listed in the section below, use the Search function. Then, if nothing of relevance is found, you should create a topic about your issue.

If you find your problem listed below, but the solution given does not work for you, then create a topic, with the problem and solution as given in the section below enclosed within a quote block, in order to verify that you have read this thread. Failing to do this will result in your post being deleted or your thread being immediately locked.


Current Install Guide in case you missed the giant red boxes up above.

Solutions To Common Issues:

Can I install the game from my original disc?

No. This private server interfaces with the 1.4.8 version of the client. You will need to acquire this version. You can get this version here.

Why is my torrent stuck at Finding Peers?
Your torrent client either has DHT disabled by default, or does not support it. Use a client that supports it, or enable DHT.

You may also need to add some trackers to the torrent. These two are used most commonly. You will need to figure out how to add them based on your specific Torrent client.

Code: Select all

The launcher is a trojan / malware!

The mechanism used in order to launch the client is picked up by anti-malware heuristics. Nothing we can do about that.

You can do something about it. Exclude the entire WAR folder in your anti-virus software, Windows Firewall/Defender, or whatever other software you have that would do something like this. How to do this is up to you to figure out, each bit of software is going to have its own procedure.

warpatch.exe doesn't work!

warpatch.exe is not used on this server. We have our own launcher for the server, and you will need to use this launcher in order to connect.

The launcher crashes immediately!

Code: Select all

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
Application Name:	RoRLauncher.exe
Win10 does not have .net 3.5 enabled by default.

a) Press “Windows Logo” + “R” keys on the keyboard.
b) Type “appwiz.cpl” in the “Run” command box and press “ENTER”.
c) In the “Programs and Features” window, click on the link “Turn Windows features on or off”.
d) Check if the “.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)” option is available in it.
e) If yes, then enable it and then click on “OK”.

The launcher can't find WAR.exe!

Put the launcher in the same folder as the WAR.exe (your Warhammer Online - Age of Reckoning directory.)

Access was denied to the path or file WAR.exe!

Unblock the launcher. (right click RoRLauncher.exe -> properties -> click Unblock button)

Remove the write-protection (right click the game folder -> properties -> disable read-only) from all the files in the WAR folder and try again. You may also try running the launcher with Administrator privileges.

Powershell method

Code: Select all

 The filepath here is an example, you must change it to match your install location

get-childitem "E:\Warhammer Online - Age of Reckoning" -recurse | unblock-file -confirm
If you used the torrent to download the game, the torrent application may still be using the files. Either copy the entire WAR folder to a new location (if you wish to continue supporting the torrent), or move the entire WAR folder to another location to break access to the torrent.

data.myp is read only!

Same solution as above.

The launcher doesn't work! The log contains the following:

Code: Select all

System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot load Counter Name data because an invalid index '' was read from the registry.
at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterLib.GetStringTable(Boolean isHelp)
at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterLib.get_NameTable()
at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterLib.get_CategoryTable()
at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterLib.CounterExists(String category, String counter, Boolean& categoryExists)
at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterLib.CounterExists(String machine, String category, String counter)
at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.InitializeImpl()
You need to rebuild performance counters. How to manually rebuild performance counters:
1- Go to start, and type in the search box "cmd". Right click cmd, and run as administrator.
2- Type in the command console, "cd c:\windows\system32", and hit enter.
3- Then type "lodctr /r", and hit enter.

It will take a few seconds to perform the command.Performance counters should be rebuilt. Try starting the game again.

If that does not work, type

Code: Select all

lodctr /e:PerfProc

d3dx9_34.dll was not found!

Acquire the .dll from this link and place it inside your Warhammer Online - Age of Reckoning directory. The download should start automatically. If the link stops working, please let us know.

Web Server appears red / Login Server appears yellow:

- This happens if the World server is down. There's a server status thread here.

- How to fix this problem (when it's not caused by the World server being down!):

1. click on start
2. type into the search-box cmd (before clicking enter press ctrl+shift) then also enter while holding them (runs cmd as admin)
3. the cmd window open up
4. type in:

netsh winsock reset catalog (resets winsock entries to install values)
netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log (resets ipv4 to install values)
netsh int ipv6 reset reset.log (reset ipv6 to install values)

5. restart the computer
6. log-in and enter the battlefield!
When I log in, I get a blank black box and then the application terminates.
Sehriin wrote: ... f51?auth=1

This step right here has cleared up my issue and am currently creating a character, wanted to offer some help. Hope this can work for you as well.
- The Launcher is not perfect, this can take several attempts to load correctly. Keep trying. If the connect button does not work, close it and try again. This issue really only occurs when we are under a significant DDOS, at which time others will be talking about it on the forum. If you're getting no connection to a server it will also appear similar, alternatively use a VPN connection to France.

Click here to watch on YouTube

System video card fails minimum specs -- Warhammer will now terminate
LordMort wrote:After I tried reinstalling all drivers, as well as the needed DirectX-versions, I was still unable to play due to this error still persisting.
I then had a look in the "Turn WIndows features on or off"-section.
I found out there that the "Legacy Components > DirectPlay"-feature needs to be enable for DirectX to work properly.
I can reach the character selection screen, and I see my characters there, but when I attempt to enter the game, I'm kicked out after the loading screen.

- This happens if the World server is down. There's a server status thread here.

Wrong Password/Username

- This happens when you use numbers or special letters like russian letters or for example: á à â. Change your password (8 digit seems to be fine. It may take some days before working with login server) or create a new account.

<Login Timeout> I can't get into the game

-This happens when the server is down
-This happens when the server is laggy

Check the website first if the server is down or other people have this problem too.

Otherwise follow this:

download Hotspot Shield VPN: ... 00785.html

Then just start the game and it should work.

(Own risk)

Anti-virus/Firewall Settings

It's always a good idea when dealing with unknown compatibility issues to whitelist the folders and applications you're trying to get to work. Your anti-virus and/or malware scanner may be blocking any number of files and processes either WAR or the RoR Launcher need in order to run. Most AV software has the ability to temporarily disable it for testing. If that is blocking the game from working, then look up how to add the WAR folder to the whitelist. If you find a specific piece of software that is blocking RoR, please let us know so we can add it to the list.

Windows Firewall is a bit more standard. You can simply disable to firewall to test whether or not it's having an effect on your ability to connect to the game properly. If it works, then you'll need to either look up how to add exceptions, or leave it disabled.

Applications known to interfere with RoR
- AVG Firewall
- If you have an Asus just go services.msc and turn off Asusgamefirstservice


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