If you're not a Linux user, follow this guide.

1 //Install Lutris for your Linux Distribution https://lutris.net/downloads/
if possible, use the distro package instead of flatpak. Flatpaks are not ideal for filepermissions. If you can't use distro package, then try flatseal to make sure all the permissions are correct on the sandbox environment
2 //Make an account and download the Installer from here: https://www.returnofreckoning.com/join.php

Alternate Link (wetransfer)
( Install files need to be decompressed/unzipped first)
3 //Press Install for Installer Version on Lutris Website https://lutris.net/games/warhammer-onli ... reckoning/

- // If Launcher doesn't launch and Lutris Show log shows Unknown heap type: #GUlD. You are using old install with old launcher
Solution is to use this version of launcher: https://launcher.returnofreckoning.com/RoRLauncher.exe
thatone doesn't require dotnet40
- // If Launcher doesn't show up at all or has no patchnotes shown and connect greyed out.
Run the RoRUpdater.exe by clicking on Run Exe in wine prefix
Another option is to try deleting old RoRLauncher configs from
Code: Select all
- // Server indicators Red on the launcher? make sure you have lib32-gnutls and gnutls installed for your distro of choice - thanks pixeljuice2019
sudo apt install gnutls-bin gnutls-bin:i386 - for Ubuntu and the likes
- // Server indicators still Red on the launcher?
Disable Lutris runtime and Enable Prefer System libraries from lutris config
- // Server indicators Yellow on the Launcher and Connect greyed out?
Code: Select all
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0 2147483647"
- thanks tabrys
- //Launcher doesn't run each start? Log shows Failure processing application bundle.
add DOTNET_BUNDLE_EXTRACT_BASE_DIR into the environment variable in lutris system options with a value C:\dotnet_bundle_extract
New install scripts will add that env variable automatically
- // Launcher crashing when clicking on input fields?
force the locale in lutris (configure -> system options -> Locale) to `en_US.utf8`.
- thanks kujeger
- // Lutris wont quit at the end. Gives Exit with return code 256
Delete ".wine" folder in your Home; Restart Installation process and then it should proceed without errors. !!!Make sure you backup your important data from the prefix if you had save games there or similar!!!
- // No character models? floating weapons? restart the launcher and it should patch fully then.
- // Main menu white textures with flames? d3d9x_34.dll is missing.
Code: Select all
WINEPREFIX=/home/yourname/Games/warhammer-online-return-of-reckoning winetricks d3dx9_34
Make sure 32bit audio libraries are installed (lib32-pulseaudio or lib32-pipewire. Check your distro wiki for multiarch support)
- // Game doesn't launch with DXVK v1.10.3+?
make sure you are using latest up to date drivers that have vulkan 1.3 support. If you are not able to update GPU drivers, switch to older version of DXVK from lutris configuration.
Or check out proton version for older GPUs:
- // Game doesn't launch with or without DXVK?
Make sure you have 32bit GPU driver packages installed. Consult your distro wiki how to enable multiarch support.
- // Game Doesn't launch or has graphical glitches after hitting connect on launcher (this can happen on older intel IGPs or if your vulkan drivers aren't working correctly)?
disable DXVK from Lutris configuration
- // Still Doesn't Launch after disabling DXVK?
Add this Environment variable into Lutris configuration (Configure -> System options tab -> Environment variables):
- // Mouse going weird? Running wayland/Sway? try Gamescope (https://github.com/Plagman/gamescope) - thanks felipetrz
- // Mouse doing weird focus clicks on i3wm? Disable hover focus
Code: Select all
mouse_warping none
focus_wrapping no
focus_follows_mouse no
Optional Enhancements
Enhanced Graphics with vkBasalt: This only works with DXVK
- Download/Install vkBasalt for your distro (32bit vkbasalt is important, as this game is 32bit): https://github.com/DadSchoorse/vkBasalt
- Download configuration files and extract them into your Warhammer directory: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_7yxO ... EToTrQfWTw
- Change the shader paths to full paths of your shader folder location in the vkbasalt.conf (make sure there are no spaces in your paths or use quotes if your path contain spaces. You can copy the shader files elswhere also to link them up)
- add ENABLE_VKBASALT with value 1 into the environment variables under Lutris (Configure -> System options tab -> Environment variables) or in your Scripts with ENABLE_VKBASALT=1
Sildur's Enhanced Reshade: This only works with DXVK
Click here to watch on YouTube
Additional Tweaks:
- Want sharper textures on the distance? make dxvk.conf into the game folder with contents (this only works with DXVK)
Code: Select all
d3d9.samplerAnisotropy = 16
- to avoid blurry sloped textures add
Code: Select all
d3d9.samplerLodBias = -0.3
- Want to use MSAA with DXVK? make dxvk.conf into the game folder with contents (goes up to 8 afaik, has big perf impact on mid/lower range GPUs)
Code: Select all
d3d9.forceSwapchainMSAA = 4
- If performance starts to degrade, delete the cache folder from warhammer dir
- Bad performance in Warbands?
- // RoR Cheatsheet for Addons, Scripts etc by Lilim: viewtopic.php?f=113&t=40739
Addon Manager:
RPM/DEB packages available: https://github.com/Idrinth/WARAddonClient/releases
AUR package: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/waraddonclient/