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[NPG] Levelling in RoR.

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[NPG] Levelling in RoR.

Post#1 » Sun Jun 20, 2021 3:21 am

Over the next however long I'm looking to post a number of new player friendly guides that cover a number of commonly overlooked basics of RoR. We're seeing an increase in the number of new players joining the server and we often hear people on our socials talking about how they're doing something a certain way - which is often hit with a ? as it's not common practice here - but in other MMORPGs it is. These guides will hopefully support new players in their introduction to RoR and highlight some of the fundamentals that we experienced players can take for granted at times. I would appreciate any feedback on any of these threads moving forward - and if you're providing feedback from a new player perspective please let me know! We'd love to improve your experience so you can get caught up to speed and have you battling it out with the veterans in no time.

This thread will provide an overview as to the methods of levelling your character from level 1.

General Information:
Levelling can be categorized into three sections – as there are three options for you to take when playing RoR to level your character to level 40 these are RvR, PvE and Scenarios.
To begin, we need to differentiate the differences between ‘Career’ experience and ‘Renown’ experience.

Your Career level is your characters base level from a typical MMORPG. Levelling your Career will give you additional skills and abilities and unlock more areas / features for you to enjoy.

Your Renown is your PvP experience. Renown levels are required to unlock additional gear sets and some secondary abilities (typically passives) through the Renown trainer found in Warcamps and Cities.
Levelling through Scenarios:
Career XP: Average
Renown XP: Average
Popularity: Preferred

Unlike traditional MMORPGs in Warhammer, you can access Scenarios from level 1. These Scenarios are sometimes referred to as Battlegrounds in other games however essentially they are instanced forms of PvP content.

You access the Scenario Menu from your minimap – look for this icon:


Pressing this icon will open the Scenario Lobby, seen below:


At the top is the title of the Scenario available and you can use the arrows to rotate through the available Scenarios at any given time. You can choose to ‘Join All’ or ‘Join’ a specific Scenario. Each individual Scenario will have a specific objective tied to it. Further information on the Scenario system can be found here. However, in terms of levelling, completing a Scenario will give you a nice mix of Career XP and Renown XP simultaneously.
Levelling through RvR:
Career XP: Low
Renown XP: Great
Popularity: Preferred

If you are interested in any form of RvR content on Warhammer (Spoiler Alert: it’s a big part of the game) I highly recommend installing the State of Realm Addon.

For this section, I will be using the State of Realm addon as a reference, so if this is your first time reading and you are confused as to what I am looking at – it is the Addon. It is possible to utilise the game map as a reference – but honestly, download the addon.

Depending on what zones are open at the time you are logged in you will see something that looks like this:


On Return of Reckoning, we have sectioned the tiers into two. Tier 1 (levels 1 to level 15) and Tier 4 (level 16 to level 40).

Find the icon on your minimap that looks like this:


Right click the Icon and ‘untick’ either Tier 1 (if you’re level 16 and above) or Tier 4 (if you’re below level 16).

For this guide I will be showing the available Tier 1 zones:


So a quick overview of this – we see here there are two pairings open, Empire vs Chaos (Norsca – Nordland) and Dwarves vs Greenskins (Ekrund – Mount Bloodhorn).

You have a few options of getting to these locations. First, you can find the nearest flypoint on your map and fly to the zones. The second option you have (and the quicker and cheaper one) is to use the War Report. The War Report is this icon on your minimap:


When you open this War Report, you should see the following:


Note: This War Report updates live with the RvR campaign status – you may not see these exact locations. However, you will always see an option that will take you to one of the RvR zones available. Use the right arrow button to switch through to Tier 2, Tier 3 and Tier 4 – dependant on the pairing.

Once you teleport to the RvR zone – you are now in the Warcamp – a friendly hub on the border of the lake (PvP zone). At this point, I would recommend you join up with a Warband of players. You can do that by accessing the Parties and Warband panel, which looks like this at the top of your screen:


From this panel, you can see the Open Warbands at the time:


If you were to hover over one of the two options, you would see one is a Tier 1 warband (for players 1-15) and the other is a Tier 4 warband (for players 16 and above).

Once you ‘Join’ one of these warbands you can speak to your allies, open the map, and meet up with them, and start taking part in the RvR experience! More information on the basics of RvR can be found here.
Levelling through PvE:
Career XP: Great
Renown XP: None
Popularity: Low

Levelling through PvE follows the traditional route similar to other MMORPGs. There are quests, public quests, and dungeons. PvE offers the fastest Career XP in the game however the drawback to this is the lack of Renown you receive from this method. This is often seen as more detrimental to your characters progression overall as once you reach the higher levels you will be lacking the requirements to access the gear sets best suited for your character and some of the passive abilities that support you when you enter PvP. You can PvE up to level 40 and experience some of the great lore, zones and monsters the game has to offer. But remember you will need to start levelling your Renown when you hit the cap and you may struggle with the gear progression.

In regards to this guide – there isn’t much to explain when it comes to straight up questing. It follows a streamlined pattern.

Quest Giver > Quest Objective > Quest Giver > Follow Up (with the option of side quests)

Some people level through Public Quests. These are world group PvE content.

When you open the map you will see a number of icons in the zone you are in – to identify a PQ (Public Quest) you need to look out for this icon:


When you hover over the icon it will provide you with some information on the PQ. Such as below:


You will often run through PQ’s whilst running throughout the world of RoR – you will see a tracker appear in your top right that will look something like this:


This will indicate the objective you need to complete to progress through the stages. Once all the stages have completed you will receive a reward with an appropriate item inside!
Dungeons are a great way to gear up whilst levelling however aren’t necessarily classed as a means to levelling. You can read more about Dungeons here.

I play around with Social Media, troll our players on Discord and officially hate anyone who plays a dwarf.

Posts: 12

Re: [NPG] Levelling in RoR.

Post#2 » Tue Jun 22, 2021 4:31 am

One thing you haven't mentioned are SC and RVR quests. Those can really speed up leveling.

Every scenario will have one quest giver NPC. For completing this quest you(r team) have to WIN the scenario

Every warcamp (T2+) has about 3 RVR-focused quests: one for scouting BOs, one for scouting keeps and one for killing players.
For the scouting ones you just have to be near BO/keep. The killing one also count assists (and the game is very 'lenient' crediting those)

I do not recommend going too far out of your way to complete or turn in these (as in, stop RVRing and go back to city/wc), but is nice to keep those in mind and turn them in when you can.
For reference the scenario one counts as 50% the EXP of a winning scenario

These also have the side effect of promoting group play. You re way more likely to win the scenario by picking up your groupmates, and for the RVR ones, on a full 'zerg' warband, you can finish the 'kill 25 players' in seconds.

TLDR: if you see npc with blue circle, accept, forget about it, turn in when you bump with him again

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Posts: 21

Re: [NPG] Levelling in RoR.

Post#3 » Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:31 am

I think this is a great guide for new players. One note I would include is that even if questing and PQ farming is not ideal because it sets back your rr there are a alternative item sets at each tier level that are good for some classes. For example if you are leveling a sword and board tank and love scenarios the scenario set is not perfect as it focuses on damage instead of tankiness. The PQ sets (which then I believe lead the way to the dungeon sets) are a good option for tanks. While it isn't great to have your rr lag behind your career level these sets can help you feel less useless in PvP until your rr catches up.
And another simple fact is that at certain times of day when the population is lower there isn't much going on rvr wise or scenarios are taking 45 minutes to pop farming PQ's is a good way to pass the time while waiting if you don't want to just stand around in IC or Altdorf and it is a good way to make gold too.

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