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Current RVR state

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Re: Current RVR state

Post#11 » Tue May 08, 2018 3:19 am

Though I think the BO heal rate is still a little too high, I am a big fan of the dynamic fights that the BO change has brought to RvR.
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Re: Current RVR state

Post#12 » Tue May 08, 2018 3:47 am

Besides getting bored with a zone, I don't really see much problem with the way things are now. You can find good battles if you want to, sieging on both sides. You will still receive a bag in mail if you have to log after a little bit but still participated. The success of failure is mostly going to come down to organisation and teamwork.

The constant i see is keeping tabs on where the "zerg" is at any given moment, so the game still seems to be rewarding multi WB team up. which is then responded to by other side needing to "zerg up" to meet it. I had the impression the latest lard changes were to cut down on the zerginess overall, but perhaps not.

And of course this hinges on how well the online personalities on a faction work together...

There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of role for roaming groups besides farming RR and scattering like rats 8-) . I'm thinking something like kills being made on a BO area giving much higher RR or emblems might add some spice to the mix and get more interest to BOs than afkers. Larger RR tics would backfire and encourage non participation and split BO afk sessions like in T1.

I agree a whole night in T2 is tough on the paragon collection... :lol:
Conversely I could spend a whole night in DW no problem!
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Re: Current RVR state

Post#13 » Tue May 08, 2018 4:06 am

New system does encourage you to split up, but only if you're attacking. Defenders can blob like normal from BO to BO without ever needing to split, which is why I'd prefer it if holding BOs as attackers also dropped Lord health like holding them while defending regens health.

It's a super fine balance. How do you balance EU time, where you can easily have one side with 200% aao, and NA time, where it's much more likely to have even numbers / 20-40% aao? How do you balance 100v100 in zone vs 40v40, and make it fun for everyone?
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Re: Current RVR state

Post#14 » Tue May 08, 2018 4:10 am

what is your goal from zone lock?
1. bag
contribution is saved. you can logout anytime. you get the bag from mail.
color is based on your saved contribution and random roll. same as everyone else.
only difference is amount of contribution.
bag bonus also saved.

2. renown
you get it from fights.
you can also logout b4 lock and get lock bonus on next login. based on your efforts.

3. contribution
you can stack contribution more and more if zone opens longer.

4. orvr mechanic
spread, keep moving, communicate.
if you feel bore from this, just logout few hours and come back.

you can get gold from 1hour orvr.
renown too.
your efforts makes difference.

you don't have to wait 4hours afking for lock.
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Re: Current RVR state

Post#15 » Tue May 08, 2018 4:15 am

Rodek wrote: Mon May 07, 2018 6:16 pm
In the event of DW yesterday, Order had the ability to take that keep. I was in one of the WBs. The reason Order did not take the keep wasn't numbers (we were equal to destro) it was the willingness to work together. I can't count how many times Toq (myself), Solitair, and Chezyban tried to get the other 3 Warbands to try and go through the postern to flank and kill destro. The other warband leaders refused to not only communicate but to do anything but stand at the front of the keep and take morals to the face.

This isn't a development/game issue this is a player/leader issue. Order has completely sucked at any sort of organization. Yet Natherul comes along gets destro rolling and then steam rolls equal numbers. Order needs to work together. WAR is a realm based game (hence RvR and not PvP). The sooner people realize that the better, and if they refuse then they deserve to be roflstomped.
The problem with those WBs is that they re leadless. They re just a bunch of random players where no buffing, communicating or team playing is happening. Many of those just join an overflow wb for no actual reason.
You can't communicate with 3 other WBs if there is no one in charge and nobody wants to take leader and actually do something

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Re: Current RVR state

Post#16 » Tue May 08, 2018 5:25 am

We should have Draw lock of about 3 hours. Lock zone by 1000 kills from both sides. Rank 5 lock as well. Because doing a neverending PvE fight on a PvP context is boring.
It's so easy to stop the enemy from killing LORD nowadays, you just hold a few BOs, make them come outside, kill them then they got bored trying to kill LORD and players will stop trying. . HP regen on LORD is breaking RvR for real.

Please devs, think of a way to lock zone with even numbers.
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Re: Current RVR state

Post#17 » Tue May 08, 2018 5:51 am

Could be worse , like being in Black Crag and facing 28 or so BW in their mindless AOE spam mode.
Now that is painfull

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Re: Current RVR state

Post#18 » Tue May 08, 2018 9:56 am

From my pov a major challenge is balancing both underdog vs. zerg and zerg vs. zerg fights at the same time.

See, some of us just log in for like two, three hours a day without having the option to come back later, if the situation isn't like exspected, so it depends on at what stage you enter a zone fight and what's the current stage of "morale" on both sides.
Part of the people realize "oh we are getting wiped again" and don't do RvR or simply log to the other faction or just off. It's the same in T1 as in T2+, just less complex there while the zones lock automatically after some time without enemies (bye 5-star lock).
Others try to fight the zerg and the current system of having the opportunity to avoid a keep take with few BOs is a rather good chance for the underdog imo.

Nevertheless is can lead to the former winning faction getting bored while not being able to down the lord.
Guess what happens: Some leave RvR or simply log off or whatever, making it even worse but leaving a chance to the underdog getting good kills or maybe even the numbers in the end. But actually the way from underdog to winning side is even longer.

Now to the fight with even numbers: In this situation it is harder to even get to fighting the lord, and after that even harder to kill it because just more people a holding BOs and you have to split more.
So basically you fight for hours in the worst case only to get a chance on lord and then you need even more time to down it.

Here lies the problem i think.
You have to outnumber the enemy by far to take a zone without much problems. Boring? Yes, even for both sides at some point.
With even numbers, it can be endless unless one side consists of collaborating WBs that actually communicate much and find a proper strategy to take the zone.

It comes to my mind that if a keep take would be easier in a case where the zone fight before it has been harder, that could lead to less frustration.
Maybe it is possible to scale the lord healing and power depending on how long a zone has been under pressure before?
More even numbers lead to longer zone fights in general, so the side which managed to destroy the doors of a keep can have a better chance in exchange to kill the lord.
While a underdog situation leads to lesser time of fighting, but making it harder for the zerg to kill lord instead, leaving more chance for the underdog, which has been wiped all over before.

This could make long fights some shorter and short ones a bit longer.
It should be considered that "even numbers" in this case does not mean even numbers actually fighting, but total zone population, so it would not be easy to expolit the system by just waiting until the other side is on lord.

Some brainstorming though, cya guys.
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Posts: 182

Re: Current RVR state

Post#19 » Tue May 08, 2018 10:46 am

dansari wrote: Tue May 08, 2018 4:06 am New system does encourage you to split up, but only if you're attacking. Defenders can blob like normal from BO to BO without ever needing to split, which is why I'd prefer it if holding BOs as attackers also dropped Lord health like holding them while defending regens health.
I agree with this 100%. The attacking side should also have some benefits from holding bos while doing the lord fight. Maybe a constant dot on lord health based on BOs held or just a drop on the lord's defense threshold (5% or 10% more damage taken from each BO's the attacking side is holding for example, of course fine tuning would be needed) would be fantastic.

While the focus on the BOs during the entire zone is a great change from the old "reach 3 stars, forget BOs exist", what we have right now is the defending side needing only to hold 1 or 2 BOs to seriously disrupt a siege, while the attacking side needing to be constantly on a cat and mouse game to chase the defenders off the BOs while having no incentive whatsoever to hold them. The moment the attacking group that took the BOs back for the sieging side leaves it to chase the defenders from another one (again, no incentive for staying), all it takes is a single defender to cap it back and start disrupting the siege again.

This really shows on large maps with BOs across the map i.e: during a Talabecland/High Pass siege the defenders took Hallenfurt Manor, which literally on the other side of the map from the fort we were sieging at the time. The groups on "BO duty" would get there, kill the defenders and leave to do the same thing on Tavern, Tower or Feiten's Lock and by the time they finished sweeping out the defenders on these BO's, Manor was capped back by the defenders and back to healing the lord. If there was some sort of buff to the attacking side, people would be encouraged to just hold said BO instead of running around the map on a endless cycle of "attack X BO, leave for another, repeat" and that would make the siege a zone-wide event that every player is participating in, whether they are hitting lord, killing the defenders or holding BOs to help with the effort.

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Re: Current RVR state

Post#20 » Tue May 08, 2018 11:15 am

Kabuterimonga wrote: Tue May 08, 2018 5:25 am We should have Draw lock of about 3 hours. Lock zone by 1000 kills from both sides. Rank 5 lock as well. Because doing a neverending PvE fight on a PvP context is boring.
It's so easy to stop the enemy from killing LORD nowadays, you just hold a few BOs, make them come outside, kill them then they got bored trying to kill LORD and players will stop trying. . HP regen on LORD is breaking RvR for real.

Please devs, think of a way to lock zone with even numbers.
draw lock was never intended to stay as we have previously mentioned it has to be gone when we release fortresses either way.

In regards to time to lock a zone, the team currently sees no issues with having a zone take multiple hours, in fact thats something we strive for in a sense as we dont want city sieges daily (once they are available ofc).

The 5 star keep lock may or may not come back however, it had to go temporarily though as the vast majority stopped going for lords making it impossible to tweak values.

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