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Is there an Issue with Libslash and the EA_Tacticwindow?

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Posts: 409

Is there an Issue with Libslash and the EA_Tacticwindow?

Post#1 » Tue Sep 20, 2016 7:45 am

Hello all,

I got some weird bug with the Tactic slots. They cant be slottet nor removed at the 2-4th tactic slot.
Even the first slot bugs and its only fillable when the tactic is slottet beside the tactic 1 slot (upper left side of the hexagon).

Because I could not figure the reason out, that causes this (2 hours searching; disabling addons/reload etc.), I've made following observance: When I deaktivated all addons, some of them activate at reloading by themselfes. For example some Lib addons.

Therefore I created a completely new Default-Profile. And voila, it worked properly again.

So my question is, does someone know which addons bug the Tactic slot out? My goal is to delete certain user setting-folders to fix this.
I play around since more than 2 days on creating my UI and when I was almost finished, I got this f*cked up bug.
Very disappointing and I am hopeless right now... + tired of testing and reloading hundrets of times -.-

If someone with expierience could give some expertise I would really appreciate it. But as it seems, Until I get this fixed, I become a complete professional myself lol... :lol: :(

Posts: 376

Re: Is there an Issue with Libslash and the EA_Tacticwindow?

Post#2 » Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:02 am

I don't know if it is related but did you try to move your tactic bar to a different position? I had an issue were I could not remove tactics because I had an invisibile window of another addon overlapping the tactic bar.

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Posts: 409

Re: Is there an Issue with Libslash and the EA_Tacticwindow?

Post#3 » Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:17 pm

Cimba wrote:I don't know if it is related but did you try to move your tactic bar to a different position? I had an issue were I could not remove tactics because I had an invisibile window of another addon overlapping the tactic bar.
Yes, I did move it and also scale it around on different characters. (3 different chars to be precise).

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Posts: 409

Re: Is there an Issue with Libslash and the EA_Tacticwindow?

Post#4 » Tue Sep 20, 2016 6:40 pm

I got it fixed guys! For anyone not able to remove or slot tactics:

Dont worry... you dont have to build your UI from scratch :)
Its not some interference with your Addons.

Just delete --> EASystem_ActionBarClusterManager Its located in your Warhammer online user folder \Age of Reckoning\user\settings\Martyrs Square\xxxxxx

After this it worked again without any errors

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