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[ADDON] GuardPack 1.7b

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Re: [ADDON] GuardPack 1.3.0b

Post#71 » Sat May 06, 2023 12:08 am

vekkth wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 10:25 pm
sullemunk wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 4:55 pm
vekkth wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 10:29 am for some odd reason /teather never worked for me, while the addon itself is functional. I have Libslash installed and other addons respond to command line normally.
Depends on what you want it to do..
I would like to open options :)

edit mostly to try different style, that animated arrow is a bit too much for me.
I also tried to use tether from Vynil UI and it responded to command line as intended too.
Check the 1:st post or 9 posts above ^^
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Posts: 34

Re: [ADDON] GuardPack 1.3.0b

Post#72 » Sat May 06, 2023 8:32 am

sullemunk wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 12:08 am
vekkth wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 10:25 pm
sullemunk wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 4:55 pm
Depends on what you want it to do..
I would like to open options :)

edit mostly to try different style, that animated arrow is a bit too much for me.
I also tried to use tether from Vynil UI and it responded to command line as intended too.
Check the 1:st post or 9 posts above ^^
My dear friend, I absolutely assure you I checked the post multiple time and of course tried the syntaxys at the best of my ability. Problem is that it does not respond at all. The system gives "unknown comman" when I type in /teather, making any options unreachable. This is odd since other addons, as i've said, are responding properly. What am doing wrong?

edit to make it even more clear, system does not respond well to /fakeguard command also. I mean it respons in the same manner - "unknown command"

edit 2 here is the screenshot!

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Re: [ADDON] GuardPack 1.3.0b

Post#73 » Sat May 06, 2023 12:01 pm

vekkth wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 8:32 am edit 2 here is the screenshot!
Maybe you are missing a mod here ?

In my guardpack folder, I see LibGuard, teather and GuardRange subfolders, wich all three mods should be activated and visible in your addon ingame list.

Posts: 34

Re: [ADDON] GuardPack 1.3.0b

Post#74 » Sat May 06, 2023 1:05 pm

Fenris78 wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 12:01 pm
vekkth wrote: Sat May 06, 2023 8:32 am edit 2 here is the screenshot!
Maybe you are missing a mod here ?

In my guardpack folder, I see LibGuard, teather and GuardRange subfolders, wich all three mods should be activated and visible in your addon ingame list.
Guardrange and Teather are separate addons, they do not depend on each other. I checked the .lua for any cross references and didnt find any (tho i am not an expert so i might misunderstood something). I also of course tried to run Guardragen too to see if it changes anything with Teather not responding and it does not. Guardrange it self does respon to comman line commands, tho.

Posts: 34

Re: [ADDON] GuardPack 1.3.0b

Post#75 » Tue May 09, 2023 8:01 am

Well, since it isnt getting any better, here is a simple solution for people got cought in to the same situation as me. If you really like the addon but cant play with arrow display (the default Modern settings) and for some odd reason you cant use options since addon does not respond for comman line commands, you can simply go to addon folder, into textures folder, there youcan find folders with other graphic variants for the addon. Just backup Modern folder and rename any folder you would like to use to Modern. The game will use new folder textures from now on.
Hope this helps somebody.

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Re: [ADDON] GuardPack 1.3.0b

Post#76 » Tue May 09, 2023 11:02 pm

vekkth wrote: Tue May 09, 2023 8:01 am Well, since it isnt getting any better, here is a simple solution for people got cought in to the same situation as me. If you really like the addon but cant play with arrow display (the default Modern settings) and for some odd reason you cant use options since addon does not respond for comman line commands, you can simply go to addon folder, into textures folder, there youcan find folders with other graphic variants for the addon. Just backup Modern folder and rename any folder you would like to use to Modern. The game will use new folder textures from now on.
Hope this helps somebody.
You can directly adress the settings function with:

Code: Select all

/script teather.Command("frame <framename>")

Code: Select all

/script teather.Command("frame chain")
to chance the frame or

Code: Select all

/script teather.Command("scroll")
to stop scrolling
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Re: [ADDON] GuardPack 1.3.0b

Post#77 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 8:52 pm

GuardPack 1.4 Pre Test

should fix some issues with the new ability system (and perhaps add more..)
like stuck GuardList after sc's ends and adds a leash to pets

ImageGuardPack 1.4 Pre
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Re: [ADDON] GuardPack 1.4Pre

Post#78 » Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:10 pm

yo, tyvm for working on this over the holiday season. I (and hopefully others) appreciate it!

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Re: [ADDON] GuardPack 1.6

Post#79 » Sat Jan 13, 2024 5:54 pm

New *Lagfree* version:

ImageGuardPack 1.6c
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Re: [ADDON] GuardPack 1.7b

Post#80 » Thu May 09, 2024 8:10 pm

GuardPack 1.7b

As of version 1.7 teather has been renamed to GuardLine, and GuardRange to GuardList

* LibGuard ( Guard Library that hosts all the needed guardfunctions, It's the base of the added modules below: )
* GuardLine( Replaces teather, Draws a line between you and your guarded player, or from the nearest Guarder)
* GuardList ( Replaces guardrange, Shows a list with range to your guarded player and all players guarding you )

* New commands have been added to customize the behaviour of the Line/List
* Added a new Frame: viny, for a tiny lightweight line

To "Test" your GuardLine / Guardlinst, you can target a friendly entity (Npc,Player, etc) and type:
incomming Guard:

Code: Select all

/fakeguard in
outgoung Guard:

Code: Select all

/fakeguard out
Type it again to toggle it off

ImageGuardPack 1.7b

GuardLine Usage:
/guardline offset <number> - Sets the guard icon offset on target (default: 80)
/guardline frame <framename> - Sets the frame for both teather frames. options: modern, classic, small, dots, chain , viny (default: modern)
/guardline inframe <framename> - Sets the frame for guards applied to you. options: modern, classic, small, dots, chain, viny (default: modern)
/guardline outframe <framename> - Sets the frame for guards you apply. options: modern, classic, small, dots, chain, viny (default: modern)
/guardline scroll - Makes the Lines Scroll/Static. Type this to toggle Off/On (default: On)
/guardline alpha <number> - Sets the alpha of guard icon/line (default: 1)
/guardline scale <number> - Sets the scale of guard icon/line (default: 1)
/guardline range - Toggle the range circkle Off/On (default: On)
/guardline reset - Resets all settings to default

Manually set color ranges:
/guardline close r,g,b - sets the CLOSE color
/guardline mid r,g,b - sets the MID color
/guardline far r,g,b - sets the FAR color
/guardline distant r,g,b - sets the DISTANT color
/guardline dead r,g,b - sets the DEAD color

GuardList Usage:
/guardlist <out/in> icon - Toggle GuardIcon for icomming/outgoung guards (default: true)
/guardlist <out/in> name - Toggle GuardName for icomming/outgoung guards (default: true)
/guardlist color - Uses colors from Teather settings, if toggled off, allows to use own colors (default: true)
/guardlist alpha <number> - Sets the alpha of guard icon/name (default: 1)
/guardlist orientation <direction> - Sets the Orientation growth of the guard list. Options: up,down (default: down)
/guardlist align <alignment> - Sets the Alignment guard list text. Options: left,right,center (default: center)
/guardlist reset - Resets all settings to default
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