
A command window for easy use of abilities, macros and consumables.
Based on CommandWheel from Sullemunk.
Based on CommandWheel from Sullemunk.
You can download the latest version of KeyBar here.
KeyBar is dependent on LibSlash and LibCooldown, so you also need those if you don't already have them.
Place the KeyBar folder under "Return of Reckoning\Interface\AddOns" and type "/reloadui" in chat.
Lastly, create a new macro named "KeyBar" (case-sensitive) and place it on your action bar, the macro itself should be left empty.
Use /KeyBar for settings and help about how to use the addon.
The KeyBar have 8 slots that you can put abilities, items or macros in so you can use them quickly with just one button.
If you want you can also place up to four things in the same slot, and KeyBar will automatically display the highest priority item or ability that is not on cooldown.
A use case for this is for example to easily use two health potions that don't share cooldown with the same button. Or use the better potions first and automatically switch to a lesser one if they run out.
But it works with anything that has a cooldown so tell me if you come up with any other clever way to use it

A big thanks to Sullemunk for letting me use his CommandWheel addon as a base and helping me by answering all my questions about the WAR api!
Issues and feedback
If you encounter bugs or have feature requests feel free to contact me here or in game (Floffel - destro).
1.7.2 - Minor bug fix when initializing and items were missing from inventory
1.7.1 - Major performance improvements when slotting many items.
1.7.0 - First public release