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warTerminal v.1.2

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warTerminal v.1.2

Post#1 » Sat May 01, 2021 3:58 pm

warTerminal v.1.2
This addon overhauls the default debug window into a terminal adding a few commands useful in development and a devpad window for all your in-game coding needs.
Everything sent from here is already /scripted automatically saving you the time typing and keeps it's own separate history of input between sessions - shift+up for last entry.

Type h for help.

Download here.


Code: Select all

Initial Release

Code: Select all

Event Spy will continue tracking events after reloadUI if already spying.

Code: Select all

-Added a spyadd"text" function that looks for partial matches and spies on all the events containing given text.
-Added a spyrem"text" function that looks for partial matches and removes the events containing given text from Event Spy.
-Added a spylist function that prints out a list of events being spied upon currently.
-Terminal will now automatically focus the input box on opening and it will always stay focused.
  Pressing escape once will focus the input box and scroll to bottom if it is not focused currently when scrolling, or clear text if focused.
  Pressing escape when text box is empty and focused will close the window.
-Typing "ss", "spylist", "ror" or "ff" now automatically sends the command to the terminal for you.
-Slightly overhauled the options window to be more in-line with the rest of the GUI.
-Input history is stored even after you have closed the game. Simply shift+up on next login to bring the last entry.

Code: Select all

-Added a resizeable DevPad allowing in-game function writing and execution from the terminal - the maximum input allowed should be 10k characters.
 Toggling DevPad on automatically focuses the code-input box, toggling it off focuses the terminal input box.
 You can write devpad into the console to automatically send the command and turn it on if you don't feel like clicking the button.
-Code history is stored even after you have closed the game.

Code: Select all

-Added the ability to Save & Load multiple project files -  you can save as, rename and delete your files freely after.
 A code preview window will display when you have selected a file in the load combobox.
 A warning will display when trying to load with current unsaved changes.
-Added a Line Count & Project Name to the top of DevPad display.
-Added an Undo button to go back to the most recent saved state.
-Pressing TAB inside the DevPad will insert 4 empty spaces for indentation.
-Pressing ESC on an empty Terminal input box will toggle between DevPad/Terminal if DevPad is open.
-Pressing ESC inside the DevPad will toggle focus between DevPad/Input box, or close DevPad if code is empty and terminal not showing.
-Fixed an issue present in 1.1.0 where if you closed the DevPad pressing "Close" it would not focus the terminal input box.

Code: Select all

-The terminal supports multiple arguments.
-Added a logdump(name, ...) function allowing you to dump specified contents into a .log file in the game's logs/ directory.
-Added the ability to copy terminal output - pressing Copy will open the Copy window, pressing Terminal will go back to the Terminal.
 Pressing TAB when focused on the terminal input box will open the Copy window, pressing TAB when focused on the copy window will go back to the Terminal.
 Use CTRL+SHIFT+Arrow Keys for easy copy selection.
-Added Captain Hook courtesy of Hecksa to allow for spying on functions and their parameters.

Code: Select all

-Added Busted into the Terminal.
 Click on the Error count to toggle - right click to reset alert color. 
-Added Object Inspector into the Terminal.
 Click on Inspect to toggle. Use +/- to change Object Depth display.
-Added Mesh into the Terminal.
 Usage is mesh(number) - number ranging from 16 to 256.
 Creates a grid on your screen for easy layout arrangement with Layout Editor/Vectors, or for precise addon dev measures.
-Added abfind("name", desc) command.
 Prints abilityID & description into the Terminal.
 Name has to be lower case, desc is optional.
-Added areainfo command.
 Prints current area information into the Terminal.
-Added scjoin command.
 Attempts to join a pending scenario pop if the window has bugged.
-Added scgroup command.
 Displays Scenario Groups window if the original one has bugged.
-Added guildid command.
 Prints your guild ID into the Terminal.
-Added keepid command.
 Prints a list of all keep IDs into the Terminal.
-Added clog command.
 Enables/Disables the Combat Log in hopes of a performance boost in large-scale fights.
-Added fontlist command.
 Prints a list of all available fonts to use in-game.
-Added changefont("font1", "font2") command.
 Changes the name & title fonts respectively. Use fontlist to check for available fonts.
-Added the ability to execute files without loading them first in the DevPad.
 Go to File->Execute.
-Added a better error output for DevPad.
 The code will now get printed into the terminal if it has not been executed successfully with a line count and an error message.
-Removed timestamps from the Terminal.


Since this directly replaces the default WAR debug window it cannot be disabled.
More useful features are in the semi-working pipeline.
Last edited by xyeppp on Thu May 27, 2021 3:53 am, edited 28 times in total.
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Re: warTerminal v.1.0

Post#2 » Sat May 01, 2021 5:55 pm

v1.0.1 update will continue tracking events after reloadUI if already spying.
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Re: warTerminal v.1.0.1

Post#3 » Sat May 01, 2021 6:08 pm

This is **** gold.
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Re: warTerminal v.1.0.1

Post#4 » Sat May 01, 2021 6:18 pm

Caffeine wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 6:08 pm This is **** gold.
Just wait to see what's coming :D
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Re: warTerminal v.1.0.2

Post#5 » Tue May 04, 2021 4:08 pm

v.1.0.2 Update.

Code: Select all

-Added a spyadd"text" function that looks for partial matches and spies on all the events containing given text.
-Added a spyrem"text" function that looks for partial matches and removes the events containing given text from Event Spy.
-Added a spylist function that prints out a list of events being spied upon currently.
-Terminal will now automatically focus the input box on opening and it will always stay focused.
  Pressing escape once will focus the input box and scroll to bottom if it is not focused currently when scrolling, or clear text if focused.
  Pressing escape when text box is empty and focused will close the window.
-Typing "ss", "spylist", "ror" or "ff" now automatically sends the command to the terminal for you.
-Slightly overhauled the options window to be more in-line with the rest of the GUI.
-Input history is stored even after you have closed the game. Simply shift+up on next login to bring the last entry.
Last edited by xyeppp on Thu May 06, 2021 8:56 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: warTerminal v.1.0.2

Post#6 » Tue May 04, 2021 4:28 pm

would love to have that avaible in my repository as well if that's ok?
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Re: warTerminal v.1.0.2

Post#7 » Tue May 04, 2021 4:30 pm

Idrinth wrote: Tue May 04, 2021 4:28 pm would love to have that avaible in my repository as well if that's ok?
Sure thing, I'll upload it there now with a fixed hw description.
Edit: Link in the main post updated as well.
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Re: warTerminal v.1.0.2

Post#8 » Wed May 05, 2021 8:02 pm

warTerminal v.1.1.0 Update
You can now write functions and execute your code in-game with the help of a new DevPad.
The memory usage on the screenshot is misleading as it has been taken out of the release, so do not worry if it's not showing.


Code: Select all

-Added a resizeable DevPad allowing in-game function writing and execution from the terminal - the maximum input allowed should be 10k characters.
 Toggling DevPad on automatically focuses the code-input box, toggling it off focuses the terminal input box.
 You can write devpad into the console to automatically send the command and turn it on if you don't feel like clicking the button.
-Code history is stored even after you have closed the game.
This was 4.3k lines of code written and executed in-game.
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Re: warTerminal v.1.1.0

Post#9 » Tue May 11, 2021 5:56 am

This is so incredibly good!
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Re: warTerminal v.1.1.0

Post#10 » Tue May 11, 2021 9:33 am

lolwut wrote: Tue May 11, 2021 5:56 am This is so incredibly good!
I have an update coming with the ability to load/save multiple project files as well and a bunch of QoL - should be ready "soon."
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