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[UI Pack] UI6

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Posts: 272

[UI Pack] UI6

Post#1 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 4:10 am

I'm still not completely happy with this UI, as I feel it's a bit too busy, but regardless here is what is done.


FIRST, make a copy of your Interface and user folders.

Then, to install it drop the Interface and user folders from inside this .7z (zip) into your WAR folder.

Sadly, your keybinds will be removed... I'm not entirely sure how to keep them so if you know how please post here so I can improve this release for the future :)



Weekly RVR INF display
Talisman Alerter + Menubar
Minimise Chat w. Alert when whispered or guild chat, etc.
Fancier HP Bars
Enemy Icons with some Flare
TidyQueue from CMap (with group leader party queuing only)
Guild Window replace keep upkeep cost with current guild funds.
Improved Enemy WB + Party layout (not visible in this video yet)
Autoloot improvements (if you loot a corpse it will attempt to also scavenger/butcher it directly after -- but if the mob didn't drop any items you will need to click again to scav/butcher it)
Post-Combat Report - shows your normal to critical hits in amount + percentages. Also includes attacks taken with disrupts, parried, dodged, blocked, etc.
Some features from UI5 also carried over like Danger, etc.

Look at the video above to see if this pack interests you.

ps. I told you, copy your user and interface folders before installing this. If you don't like the pack remove the interface and user folders and replace them with your backup :)

There is some space for tinkering with the UI but I haven't made a GUI for it

/script UI6settings[danger] = true
use the danger glow to show targets who are landing lots of killing blows, fire goes up as they continue to get more dbs
/script UI6settings[expbar] = true
show the exp/renown bar
/script UI6settings[animTextures] = true
turns on off the animated textures
/script UI6settings[playerHUD] = true
turns on off the player hud
/script UI6settings[ondmged] = true
tracks damage incoming for parries/blocks/dodge/disrupt, etc
/script UI6settings[menubar] = true
display the new menu
/script UI6settings[HUDscale] = 1
don't mess with this, I warned you.
/script UI6settings[animTexAP] = 2
sets the texture for AP, I think it goes up to 5
/script UI6settings[castbar] = false
don't mess with this, I don't actually think I made a castbar anyway
/script UI6settings[animTexPet] = 1
texture for pet bar
/script UI6settings[chatNotif] = true
notification when you have the chat bar down
/script UI6settings[oncrit] = true
when you crit things
/script UI6settings[targetHUD] = true
hud for target
/script UI6settings[notifications] = true
notification of kills and loot of certain items
/script UI6settings[combatIndicator] = true
in combat indicator
/script UI6settings[animTexHP] = 1
set texture for HP bar, up to 5

While I'd suggest not messing with these, I figured you might want to know they are there to turn off or on certain elements if possible.
Last edited by tvbrowntown on Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 8

Re: [UI Pack] UI6

Post#2 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 6:41 am

Tyvm, tvbrowntown! Sadly the download link is not working, at least on my side.

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Re: [UI Pack] UI6

Post#3 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:29 am

Urungel wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 6:41 am Tyvm, tvbrowntown! Sadly the download link is not working, at least on my side.
updated link :)

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Re: [UI Pack] UI6

Post#4 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:58 am

finally! yay :)

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Re: [UI Pack] UI6

Post#5 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:53 am

Finnally !! Thanks you very much man !!!

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Re: [UI Pack] UI6

Post#6 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:13 am

Thank you! Been waiting for this

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Re: [UI Pack] UI6

Post#7 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:42 am

Hey awesome work !

Issues i found so far:
The Menubar looks like it's not saving it's state (Size atleast)
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Re: [UI Pack] UI6

Post#8 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:26 am

b00n wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:42 am Hey awesome work !

Issues i found so far:
The Menubar looks like it's not saving it's state (Size atleast)
Thx, I'll have a look at that ASAP. I think I might know what's happening.

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Re: [UI Pack] UI6

Post#9 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:25 pm

Is there anyway to change the DB sound?

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Re: [UI Pack] UI6

Post#10 » Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:10 pm

Randomita wrote: Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:25 pm Is there anyway to change the DB sound?
To change it you'd need to go into Interface/AddOns/UI6/modules/common/UI6oncrit.lua

on the first line you should see local CritPopSound = 1103, change that to the sound you want. If you'd prefer no sound set it to 0.

I hadn't made any sort of modability to this because I use a side-app to play custom sounds for me, but I can add that in.

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