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Zone Pop / Zone pop lite

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Zone Pop / Zone pop lite

Post#1 » Thu May 16, 2024 1:37 pm

recently my zone pop lite has not been working and I can't seem to find a working version. Can someone upload one? or recommend a new zone pop addon that shows info like door % / approx # of plays in zone (order and destro) / keep lord %

-= Agony =-

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Re: Zone Pop / Zone pop lite

Post#2 » Thu May 16, 2024 1:53 pm

I doubt you will find a working version at the moment since SOR strings have been reimplemented in a JSON format (thanks @dalen), meaning any addon that used these will need to be updated to process them accordingly. I haven't seen Viny in a long while, so I wouldn't expect him to be on top of that.

I haven't touched the game nor addons in over a year now, but I've been meaning to come back to finish a couple of things so could probably take a look at it if nobody gets there first.
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Re: Zone Pop / Zone pop lite

Post#3 » Thu May 16, 2024 2:36 pm

xyeppp wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 1:53 pm I doubt you will find a working version at the moment since SOR strings have been reimplemented in a JSON format (thanks @dalen), meaning any addon that used these will need to be updated to process them accordingly. I haven't seen Viny in a long while, so I wouldn't expect him to be on top of that.

I haven't touched the game nor addons in over a year now, but I've been meaning to come back to finish a couple of things so could probably take a look at it if nobody gets there first.
Thanks for the reply, I thought maybe that was the case. If you do find time to update it, please let me know.
-= Agony =-

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Re: Zone Pop / Zone pop lite

Post#4 » Thu May 16, 2024 2:58 pm

Yes, we have switched data strings to Json structure, wich means it has to be converted to lua tables. We also added a channel 9 register called ror_PacketHandling, to reduce the amount of addons listening/parsing the chat.

First you must add Dependency in your .mod file for "ror_PacketHandling" and "json", then in the .lua add a your register to the packethadler with:

then by utilizing the json.decode(text) in the function mentioned in the register you will get a lua table from the strings

Be sure to remove the header from the text before converting the json string

Here's an example in SoR:

Under init:

and under function RoR_SoR.Packet:

function RoR_SoR.Packet(text)
if string.find(text,"SOR_STATUS:") then
local text = string.gsub(text,"SOR_STATUS:","")
local SoRtable = json.decode(text)
elseif string.find(text,"SOR_F:") and RoR_SoR.Settings.ShowForts == true then
local text = string.gsub(text,"SOR_F:","")
local SoRtable = json.decode(text)
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Re: Zone Pop / Zone pop lite

Post#5 » Sat May 18, 2024 12:57 pm

sullemunk wrote: Thu May 16, 2024 2:58 pm Yes, we have switched data strings to Json structure, wich means it has to be converted to lua tables. We also added a channel 9 register called ror_PacketHandling, to reduce the amount of addons listening/parsing the chat.
as said above autor haven't appeared for a long time
you would be our savior if you will fix that addon

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