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[ADDON] DeathBlow 2.0 Update 05/8/2016

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[ADDON] DeathBlow 2.0 Update 05/8/2016

Post#1 » Fri Dec 18, 2015 2:57 pm

(Or: DamazKron Pocket edition...)

A addon that displays and announces your kills/deaths as alerts
(with that satisfying Ba-Dam-Bam sound), and keeping track of your Kill/death score

works with: English,French,German,Spanish,Italian and Russian Language Clients

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Now that T4 is upon us i decided to release Deathblow 2.0 for a fresh combat start

NOTE: This one will label itself DeathBlow2, so Delete or dissable your original Deathblow in the addon window (both in the interface and user folders, because it might be some backwards compatible issues).

ImageDeathBlow v2.0

Player profiles are now stored globaly so it doesn't mather what profile or UI you are using. In short: one savefile to rule them all.

Added "/deathblow clear" command to resett your current character

Also added a Nemesis popup window (by clicking the small [+] at the player career icon on the profile page you popup a small movable window that tracks the score on that player)


Getting Kills:

Getting Killed:

optional Textlog output with hyperlink to players profile:
All registred kills/deaths have hyperlinks that upon clicking will open that players profile tab

DeathBlow window:
Overall Tab
Session Tab
Class Tab
Total Tab
Profile Tab
Every player you kill or get killed by has their own Profile tab to keep track on moust combat stats.
Access it by clicking either a player in the Total/session tab or from the Chatlog

Listing output:
Example from /db session

Deathblow toggle button:
A clickable and draggable button to show the Deathblow window

Kill chatbubble:
For instant kill verification

DeathBlow /slash useage:
/db help - shows the command lists
/db s ,score ,stats ,show - will show the Deathblow score window
/db total - print out all stats/scores
/db session - print out stats/scores from this session
/db player <playername> - print out <playername> stats/score
/db hidekill (hk) and showkill (sk) - toggle the death alert notify off/on
/db hidedeath (hd) and showdeath (sd) - toggle the death alert notify off/on
/db hidespeach (hs) and showspeach (ss) - toggle the speachbubble off/on
/db hidetext (ht) and showtext (st) - toggle the Textlog off/on

1.0.1: textfix
1.0.2: Removed annoying chat spam:
1.1: Saving and displaying Kill/death score and added /slash commands
1.2: Added K/D score window, changed some /slash commands
1.2.1: Fixed a major flaw that didn't register the kills/deaths
1.2.2: Added career icons to notification and deatblow window (this was a real pain to do)
1.2.3: Sorting options added in the Deathblow window, small fixups
1.2.4: Fixed Score sorting and numbers above 9 getting cut off, Added total stats at the bottom of window
1.3: Added Total and Session tabs in status window. Added and modifyed som /slash commands and Text listings
1.4: Added Career class tab. Added support for German, French, Italian and Spanish client language users. Added enemy rank and K/D ratios in statistic window
1.5: Link to 1.5 changelog
1.5b: Saving options settings
1.5.2a: Added Settings window and added Russian Language support. Jump to post
1.6: Added Damage and defence stats to overall and Profile tabs
Last edited by sullemunk on Sun May 08, 2016 11:54 pm, edited 58 times in total.
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Re: [ADDON] DeathBlow 1.0

Post#2 » Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:03 pm

hey thanks mate

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Re: [ADDON] DeathBlow 1.0

Post#3 » Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:06 pm

Nice addon, good work.
ps: do u or any know how to turn off quest don spam in middle of screen.
ps2: u rly want festering nerf do u? :lol: :lol:
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Luuca wrote:... you forgot that in RoR, you must jump every seconds to exaggerate the Melee Distance Bug.

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Re: [ADDON] DeathBlow 1.0

Post#4 » Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:11 pm

User settings -> Interface -> Center Screen Messages -> Quests

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Re: [ADDON] DeathBlow 1.0

Post#5 » Fri Dec 18, 2015 3:16 pm

good work thanks

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Re: [ADDON] DeathBlow 1.0

Post#6 » Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:45 pm

Small point: "Were" instead of "Where".

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Re: [ADDON] DeathBlow 1.0

Post#7 » Fri Dec 18, 2015 7:20 pm

Azarael wrote:Small point: "Were" instead of "Where".
fixed :oops:
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Re: [ADDON] DeathBlow 1.1

Post#8 » Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:17 pm

1.1: Added Kill/death score tracking and /slash commands

Feedback and suggestions are much welcome
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Re: [ADDON] DeathBlow 1.1

Post#9 » Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:25 pm

ummm so whats the way to make it so that it dosnt "announce" your kills in /say

i dont know about anyone else but it feels a little BM to me

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Re: [ADDON] DeathBlow 1.1

Post#10 » Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:27 pm

TenTonHammer wrote:ummm so whats the way to make it so that it dosnt "announce" your kills in /say

i dont know about anyone else but it feels a little BM to me
A dev kindly asked me to remove it so i did in 1.0.2
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