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Shaman/AM nerf?

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Shaman/AM nerf?

Post#1 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:59 pm

Sorry for the clicbait title :lol:.

Anyway, I'm back playing shaman and I wanted to know if my impression is shared thoughout the shaman/AM comunity. I also play AM and I think that what I'm writing is also true for AM. I want to start saying tha shaman is by no mean unplayable/useless/whatever. But still, I feel that in recent years the class has received many nerfs and very few buff. The most relevant nerf/buff are:

Reduced Moral gain from Ere We Go from 150 to 100 (nerf)
puddle radius reduced from 20ft to 15ft (nerf)
AP drain from 180AP-9s duration-10s CD to 140AP-7s duration- 15s CD (huge nerf)
EQB from ST to AoE (not realy, but you know what I mean) (minor buff)
Lifetap ignore healing bonus/debuff and don't benefit from heal crit (this can be seen as both a buff and a nerf, but to me is a nerf honestly)
Lifetap can't be cast on move (huge nerf, FoDG has way to short a range to be stationary)
Come back of WAAAGH! Frenzy (I think this balance out I'll Take that being stationary cast now)

Now, Shaman (and AM) has never been an overpowered healer and, by my experience, it has always been third pick after DoK and Zeal. I feel shaman require way more effort to obtain the same results than on DoK/Zeal. Personally, I think that shaman/AM deserves a little more love. I would really like to see FoDG range increase to 100ft since now is a stationary skill.

I like shaman/AM so much exactly because it is harder to play than DoK/Zeal, don't get me wrong. But still, the class mechanic is clunky and most of the time ignorable. Your lifetap as a pure healer is a waste of GCD and the reverse is true for pure DPS spec. An hybrid spec should let you leverage best the class mechanic, but then you need bis gear to even start thinking about going hybrid and then you will still have avarage damage and heal.

What do you think of shaman/AM? is in good/bad spot after the last couple of patches? what kind of changes would you like to see?

Posts: 35

Re: Shaman/AM nerf?

Post#2 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:56 pm

Shaman/AM was the best overall healer before the ability patch and you can argue, that it is now slightly behind the other heal specs. This is mainly because of how procs are now more oppressive and the change to their essence regen.

FotG/EoV is still the best healing spell in the game, even though you cannot cast it on the run.

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Re: Shaman/AM nerf?

Post#3 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 2:03 pm

I'd argue they're still very strong. The heal spec has been brought back to more reasonable levels but the kiting regen shaman builds.. Jesus. And ppl thought early live WP was OP.
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Re: Shaman/AM nerf?

Post#4 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 2:31 pm

If you could also arguement why you think so I would be very grateful. Like why do you think it was the overall best healer? Why do you think now is slightly subpar? Why is still FoDG the best heal even stationary? What brought the heal spec back to reasonable level?

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Re: Shaman/AM nerf?

Post#5 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 2:51 pm

Zealot + shaman is best for group setup. Dok fall behind.
You forget all rhe buffs that shamans got and after mass slow nerf their puddle become more needed than ever. Fodg was hugely over perform so it was tonned abit but not to the ground so it is still very potent heal with some negatives (range, and stationary cast) to balance the things out
Mostly harmless

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Re: Shaman/AM nerf?

Post#6 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 4:51 pm

Shaman/AM with CD dec strong (Zele/RP is still #1)
Wo CD dec below dok / Zele

The elephant in the room is how much more effective a RP/Zele are to all others. First pics for any content

(I think WP/Dok suffers slightly bc of being one dimensional and this not popular. Also stacking armor isn’t really it anymore bc of weaponskill being handed out like lollipops)
Last edited by Bozzax on Tue Jan 23, 2024 8:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shaman/AM nerf?

Post#7 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:12 pm

Shaman/Am's was head and shoulders above the other healers with a crd class in your party and was still slightly better than the other healers even without a cdr class. I would be nice though if Fotg/Eov was still castable on the move (maybe a longer cast time while on the move or a cast that's more acceptable to setback)

With the current changes and the current proc meta shaman/am's are desirable in group, not because they're bad but you want a dok/wp for the proc aura and a zealot/rp for ap pumps and the bonus healing on players.

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Re: Shaman/AM nerf?

Post#8 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:21 pm

Since a few mentioned it I think it is an important point to address. Shaman is still a very good healer (some may say the best one) with a CDR in party. But this is a limitation in itself. Being self reliant is better than being dependent in party composition. Which is why most ppl prefer DoK/Zeal. Imo a class should be able to perform at its best without outside intervention

Posts: 352

Re: Shaman/AM nerf?

Post#9 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 10:46 pm

Zeal/RP are always good. DoK/WP after last patch have biiiig problems with SE/RF regen. Shaman is solid healer. KTB tact make his life harder but is good healer with the best def in the game. I test some gear mix and working very good without FODG.
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Re: Shaman/AM nerf?

Post#10 » Wed Jan 24, 2024 10:12 am

You all talking about Zergplay and even there Zeal/RP keep up with Healnumbers. Overall Zeal/RP ist by far the best Healer

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