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[Zealot] Post your dps specs

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Re: [Zealot] Post your dps specs

Post#21 » Thu Dec 08, 2016 3:11 am

AOE without WOI - HERESY :mrgreen:


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Re: [Zealot] Post your dps specs

Post#22 » Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:09 am

I am also bringing up a DPS zealot. Lvl 14 atm and going to bring it up slow to try a few things. I'll check back in a while. Does destro have a class ability that can reduce cooldown by 5s such as SM Whispering Wind? Also DPS Zealot seems to be missing a good corp debuff (currently have to use tactic and get in 40ft).
Vagreena Auntie Dangercat
Porkstar Hamcat Coolwave
Penril wrote:So you are saying that a class you never touched is OP?
Go play it before posting about it pal...

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Re: [Zealot] Post your dps specs

Post#23 » Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:53 pm

Chop Fasta, speccable ability in the Choppa Da Wrecka tree (AoE), but it works differently than WW. It reduces cooldowns by 5 seconds for 20 seconds with a 2 minute cooldown, so while it provides a longer window where the buff is up it still has less uptime in general.

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Re: [Zealot] Post your dps specs

Post#24 » Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:23 pm

kweedko wrote:Then notify me when you reach it :oops:
When the first single SW or WL you guys meet, will kill you both, notify me also, ill make a toast for your balls of steel. :mrgreen:
Nicelook | Obey

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Re: [Zealot] Post your dps specs

Post#25 » Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:12 pm

Atropik wrote:
kweedko wrote:Then notify me when you reach it :oops:
When the first single SW or WL you guys meet, will kill you both, notify me also, ill make a toast for your balls of steel. :mrgreen:
Month passed, i think he is died trying :mrgreen:

Posts: 29

Re: [Zealot] Post your dps specs

Post#26 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:45 am

Have you guys asked devs to buff DD Z/RP? At least add 5-10% more damage to Divine Fury (which is a core tactic in any DPS spec) to slightly improve damage output?
It won't ruin the balance of the classes, but will be a nice bonus to all DPS Z/RPs and probably increase the share of DD specs.

If there were already DD Z/RP buff proposals - could you please share them?


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Re: [Zealot] Post your dps specs

Post#27 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:45 am

It would be nice. But the balance forums(when they were open) require that the poster clarify an actual "issue". Z/RP DPS isn't really an issue, it's more of a QoL thing.

I went through a few idea's, but I felt that it would screw with the healing Zealot too much to really do anything. Some of the DPS tactics could be reworked, and a few QoL changes similar to AM/Sham life taps would be awesome, but I am against trying to "equalize" classes based on mechanics.

Just my opinion though.
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

Posts: 29

Re: [Zealot] Post your dps specs

Post#28 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 8:25 am

Dabbart wrote:It would be nice. But the balance forums(when they were open) require that the poster clarify an actual "issue". Z/RP DPS isn't really an issue, it's more of a QoL thing.

I went through a few idea's, but I felt that it would screw with the healing Zealot too much to really do anything. Some of the DPS tactics could be reworked, and a few QoL changes similar to AM/Sham life taps would be awesome, but I am against trying to "equalize" classes based on mechanics.

Just my opinion though.
That's true - no need to copy AM/Sham, but what could be the DD niche of RP/Z?
I like their flash-heals and how they fit mobile gank groups - i'll be happy if their DD (and maybe even healing) specs will be build around mobility with more instant spells and channeling-on-the-move, at the cost of (probably) lower damage/healing output.

1) Runes/Rituals to be bound to player instead of a place - their AoE is moving with you for 30secs. Cost - decreased numbers/proc chances;
2) Dust of Pandemonium/Blessing of Valaya - can be channeled while moving. Cost - decreased healing output;
3) Storm of Ravens/Rune of Burning - can be cast on the move;


Posts: 2249

Re: [Zealot] Post your dps specs

Post#29 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:01 pm

Well, I will stick to DD zealots, since I never tried my RP on DD, so it would all be theoretical.

Zs have a few fun tricks. With Scourged Warping tactic, they can use their instant cast and Scourge on the move(each tick allows chance for insta scourge cast), so more on the moves would be unnecessary/redundant/risking too much "power". You don't have super high Spike damage, but you can drop 700+ crits every GcD easily enough, and if you run the 50% self-heal, you can also be slightly helpful...

Currently, DDZs perform well for HD's. They can drop HDs on any target, as a part of their standard rotation, and it can't be cleansed by ANYONE. Whether the Z goes for short AoE or longer range ST is up to them and their group. But I don't believe any rDPS healer can ever "truly" take the role of a rDPS in a group, they are more utility, emergency heals, and an extra rezzer.

The real "issue" here as I see it, is that Z/RPs need a "problem" with their DPS system's, other than the fact that their tree's are buggered. at a 40/60 build, both classes can get nearly all they want for a DPS build, they just want more damage honestly. They have the abilities to survive and attack, it's the amount they are hitting for that is the "problem". But that has a lot to do with our current inability to cap INT w/o going full DPSretard(even with mix/matching sets, pots/buffs, and full int RR I think we only get 950ish, I ran the math on it awhile back for my Z)

At best, currently we are a HD dropping partial DPS support with heal/rezz potential and a few handy utilities. Our DPS works wonders in a PvE setting(for farming), it's really nice for a solo/small group shenanigans(letting that sorc focus on Pure DPS while you are the HD bot+stagger/healz is a good combo). I don't see any reason other than personal preferences to increase the damage from RP/Z at this point though. But that's just my opinion. But I would LOVE for our instant/scourge to crit for 1k+, that doesn't mean we need it though...

(On Worship's point) Zealot/RPs are currently the best kiting healers w/o a target. AM/sham can outheal if they have someone to lifetap, but that's it. Z/RP have the BEST flash heal in the game, with the tactics to support using that style(+15% crit, +20% healing on crit, +ap on crit, bubble proc, 200 morale on crit, etc etc). We can always have More, but that doesn't mean we necessarily need it.

1, you can cast the Rune anywhere within 100ft, and it has a 100ft radius. So drop it ahead of where you will be going to make it last. If we wanted to change it to personal radius, I garuntee the duration would need to be dropped, and I happen to love my 30s rituals at times...(On this point, Waves of Chaos tactic for aura's should really be 20ft+...)

2. Grp heals on the move are a no-go imo. Far, far too OP. I'm on the fence if I want Am/sham grp lifetap castable on the move. But they have to have the mechanic for that, so currently(before they get their item/ability to swap stacks) it is relatively balanced. Only way this could work, is if being in DPS spec allowed you to cast healing spells easier. But this is simply a rewrite of the am/sham which I don't like.

3. Covered already.

TLDR: It's hard to figure out a way for Z/RP to get a DD buff that fits imo. but please, if you can come up with a few changes for QoL or balance reasons, post em! Even in this area. Then we can pick em apart and prepare for the balance forums to reopen.
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

Posts: 29

Re: [Zealot] Post your dps specs

Post#30 » Wed Jan 25, 2017 9:57 am

Hi again :)
Since the last post i have tried some DDzealot in T3 and have one more question:
I have played a lot of Magus and heal-specced Zealot during retail, but have never tried DDzealot.

How is DD Z's damage compared to Magus if we are talking about small-scale fights/ganking?
With M1, scourge-on-the-move - is Zealot much worse in terms of damage than Magus?

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