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Chosen or Mara

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Posts: 86

Chosen or Mara

Post#1 » Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:29 pm

Assuming I will mainly solo roaming and some small/duo.

I love the Chosen aesthetic, for sure going 2h. Also I love being very tanky and a lot of CCs.
Scared about being 100% kited to death from mobile class..

For the Marauder i love the class but a bit scared of stance-dancing..

I heard that in a solo oriented perspective Mara > Chosen.
Is it true?

Which one should I go and why?
Any point to go one rather than the other?

Thanks a lot!

Posts: 38

Re: Chosen or Mara

Post#2 » Wed Nov 22, 2023 3:25 am

Fully geared a chosen will be able to escape any ranged by just running away. Chosen will kill basically any melee thats stupid enough to fight, it holds up well against tanks to. Mara is a very tank dps, and from my experience most are bad and die quick but the couple good ones are scary and kill lots while being like tanky. With lots of regen.
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Re: Chosen or Mara

Post#3 » Wed Nov 22, 2023 8:23 am

tbh most people will just run away from chosen too because unkillable or you get jumped by 4+ WH but that happens to any class anyway lol

however chosen is really fun if you find 1v1+ fights.
dont have a mara cant say anything about it

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Re: Chosen or Mara

Post#4 » Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:54 pm

mara if you like challanges.

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Re: Chosen or Mara

Post#5 » Wed Nov 22, 2023 1:16 pm

Mara has more "depth" to their play, not overly hard, but chosen are pretty easy and can become somewhat boring.
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Posts: 18

Re: Chosen or Mara

Post#6 » Wed Nov 22, 2023 2:05 pm

I quit my chosen 71 because it was boring. and played the mara which is definitely more interesting.

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Re: Chosen or Mara

Post#7 » Wed Nov 22, 2023 4:33 pm

Def Marauder has more damage and higher kill potential than def Chosen.
DPS Marauder has higher damage and kill potential than DPS Chosen.
Mara can mantain being fairly tanky while deal some serious damage.
If Chosen want to do some serious damage, he must go full glasscannon.
Ppl run from Def/regen chosens not because they are "unkillable"(everyone is killable), but because it takes a lot of time to kill them.
I advise You to try both till like level 20-30 and than decide.
Your main goal as a Chosen is to "TANK".
Your main goal as a Marauder is to Kill or deal damage/assist.
Sooner or later You will join groups for PvE or event scenarios, so everyone will expect from You to guard and assist to DPS(PvP),
or tank mobs(PvE).
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Posts: 86

Re: Chosen or Mara

Post#8 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:00 am

Thanks for all the information.

Considering solo roaming perspective and the counters in each class:

--- Chosen ---
Suffers against physical ranged-dps, so SW, ENGI.
Against magical-magic-ranged-dps they have the tactic that gives + movement speed on disrupt, but considering AM dunno if the Chosen damage is high enough to kill those.

--- Marauder ---
Counters? Considering a sav/brut spec... Also if facing some def-builded enemy he may use a monstro stance to pump up the self-sustain with self-healing. Ranged are reached by using charge and pull skills. Heal debuff and higher dmg than Chosen.

So on paper looks like Chosen has a harder life when solo roaming while Mara being more versatile.

edit: any thoughts on BG? it was my third choice

Is it right?
What is your experience on that?

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Re: Chosen or Mara

Post#9 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 12:33 pm

dalinvar wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 8:00 am Thanks for all the information.

Considering solo roaming perspective and the counters in each class:

--- Chosen ---
Suffers against physical ranged-dps, so SW, ENGI.
Against magical-magic-ranged-dps they have the tactic that gives + movement speed on disrupt, but considering AM dunno if the Chosen damage is high enough to kill those.

--- Marauder ---
Counters? Considering a sav/brut spec... Also if facing some def-builded enemy he may use a monstro stance to pump up the self-sustain with self-healing. Ranged are reached by using charge and pull skills. Heal debuff and higher dmg than Chosen.

So on paper looks like Chosen has a harder life when solo roaming while Mara being more versatile.

edit: any thoughts on BG? it was my third choice

Is it right?
What is your experience on that?
Chosen ain't that easy to kite tbh, fortress weapon has mov speed bonus + they generally run the escape tactic but use it offensive. They also are way more tanky because heavy armor + auras+Regen gear and the constant ap drain can make it so u even kill healers by running em out of ap + cancel their casted stuff with taunt.

On a direct 1v1 I 'd say they are stronger...however they need way more time and this ain't a 1v1 game, unless u are in an empty zone u are granted to get adds if a fight last more than 30 sec so in that sense Mara might be better.

Biggest trouble with Mara are WH (which is a good 70% of what u ll find solo), a lot of times if they are geared enough they can just smoke u and even if not they have the dumb 12 sec parry which u may survive as chosen by rooting em or punt but is way harder on mara

Posts: 86

Re: Chosen or Mara

Post#10 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:22 pm

francomes wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 12:33 pm Biggest trouble with Mara are WH (which is a good 70% of what u ll find solo), a lot of times if they are geared enough they can just smoke u and even if not they have the dumb 12 sec parry which u may survive as chosen by rooting em or punt but is way harder on mara
Since I am still a new player, could we go a little more in detail into the smoke and 12sec-parry skills?
Would like to investigate in the char builder. What are the names of these skills?

edit: following your reply, Chosen has better life against WH, melee but when there is an healer you can't do that much. Doesn't have a 50% heal-debuff and the damage is < than mara. Right? Or the ap drain allow them to kill any healers also if high RR

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