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Chosen or Mara

Chosen, Magus, Marauder, Zealot
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Re: Chosen or Mara

Post#11 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 3:30 pm

dalinvar wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:22 pm
francomes wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 12:33 pm Biggest trouble with Mara are WH (which is a good 70% of what u ll find solo), a lot of times if they are geared enough they can just smoke u and even if not they have the dumb 12 sec parry which u may survive as chosen by rooting em or punt but is way harder on mara
Since I am still a new player, could we go a little more in detail into the smoke and 12sec-parry skills?
Would like to investigate in the char builder. What are the names of these skills?

edit: following your reply, Chosen has better life against WH, melee but when there is an healer you can't do that much. Doesn't have a 50% heal-debuff and the damage is < than mara. Right? Or the ap drain allow them to kill any healers also if high RR
With smoke I meant= kill u :p

The 12 second parry is the result of Repel Blasphemy (5sec) + moral 1 (7sec)

That's why I find em annoying on Mara, even if u survive the initial stealth stack they will parry all your stuff for the next 12 sec. Of course this also happen on chosen.

Chosen can kill healers with enough time...which u won't have 99% of time. It's not really a big deal cos the healers that actually go solo ain't really healers but rather DPS/hybrids (that doesn't mean they are easy, but it's not dmg the problem rather actually catch em and survive their constant dot dmg)

Tbh u should try them a bit and choose what u like more cos there s a lot more stuff to bear in mind (Gear progression, duo synergy, wb leach capability, nerfs from upcoming ability rework, etc) it's just faster if u try em, both are viable.

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Re: Chosen or Mara

Post#12 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 4:25 pm

chosen can deal with range dps: you have quake to deal with any of them and roots... Black Orc is the one who cant do anything against range.

still a good SW or BW can kill you if they know how to permakite... speed procs such as fortress or the renown one are good for these and the disrupt speed tactic, a well placed root to waste their jump, sentinel armor proc if you are lucky, to not get snared.

good against any melee class but a good slayer or regen bullets WH can drop you down, 12 sec parry is no problem for chosen because u can cleave, the problem is they can parry your 25%parry buff with that.

Chosen biggest counters are healers mostly AM, if they know just a little what they are doing you can never win you just dont have tools to deal with them, chosen ap drain is nothing for any healer... perma detaunt just shut you down.

chosen can counter dps WP and can deal with dps runies tho.

Mara can deal with healers and squishies like range faster but doesnt mean he will win all the time, healers are just the void of fun of this game.

mara can deal with most melee dps but not guaranteed and they have a 2sec KD, most of them use Mostro which seems boring, WL does a better job at 1v1 even assault SW.
Chosen Dahaka RR88
BO Zamedi 80

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Re: Chosen or Mara

Post#13 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 4:58 pm

As a new player Chosen is the more newcomer friendly path

Your main objective as a chosen outside of regen solo is

1. Guaard a dps and move guard to other group members if they are being focused. Guard the 2nd tank if your group is disengaging
1.1 interrupt casted resurrections of enemy healers with taunt
2. Snare the target your guardee has targeted (add on swift assist)
3. Shatter the target
4. Mitigate burst by using challenge (AOE frontal cone).
4.1 M3, M4
4.2 Punt DPS way
4.3 KD dps to reduce damage
4.4 Body block
4.5stop certain classes channels with taunt or challenge (WP heal, Slayer retribution, WL spin)
5 Hold the line channel AOE cone behind you )inc ranged)
5.1Mitigate burst (ranged) using quake frontal stun,
6. Assist stacking debuffs and buffs
7. Catch and secure next killl for your dps with quake, root, snare and punt back

Or run arround like a headless chicken in backlines while your team wipes
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

Posts: 179

Re: Chosen or Mara

Post#14 » Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:46 am

diegomess wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2023 4:25 pm chosen can deal with range dps: you have quake to deal with any of them and roots... Black Orc is the one who cant do anything against range.

still a good SW or BW can kill you if they know how to permakite... speed procs such as fortress or the renown one are good for these and the disrupt speed tactic, a well placed root to waste their jump, sentinel armor proc if you are lucky, to not get snared.

good against any melee class but a good slayer or regen bullets WH can drop you down, 12 sec parry is no problem for chosen because u can cleave, the problem is they can parry your 25%parry buff with that.

Chosen biggest counters are healers mostly AM, if they know just a little what they are doing you can never win you just dont have tools to deal with them, chosen ap drain is nothing for any healer... perma detaunt just shut you down.

chosen can counter dps WP and can deal with dps runies tho.

Mara can deal with healers and squishies like range faster but doesnt mean he will win all the time, healers are just the void of fun of this game.

mara can deal with most melee dps but not guaranteed and they have a 2sec KD, most of them use Mostro which seems boring, WL does a better job at 1v1 even assault SW.
fast lv up you chosen!!!!!!!!

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