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[DoK] Vale Walker set for shield DoK

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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[DoK] Vale Walker set for shield DoK

Post#1 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 6:36 pm

Thoughts on this set for shield DoK?

It seems like a decent set before Warlord/Sov, especially when paired with Oppressor. I'm currently about halfway done with the set, and I was curious what the accessory piece stats are, but can't find anything online.

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Re: [DoK] Vale Walker set for shield DoK

Post#2 » Wed Jul 21, 2021 7:18 pm

2p giving wounds is awesome. Wonder what the ICD on 6p is, and how long into the proc before first healing tick(does it heal on first proc? most don't) 7p is lol. Doesn't stack with Challenge, Guard, or Detaunt and only lowers damage affecting you(Inv tank proc lowers enemies outgoing for instance)

I imagine the set is awesome for a mix/match stat build that needs survivability. Str being 4p means you kinda either run 2p, 4p, or 5p though. How does it match up stat-wise to what oppressor gear gives?
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