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Blackguard Builds

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: Blackguard Builds

Post#241 » Mon Mar 04, 2019 3:01 am

megadeath wrote: Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:33 pm
Vraal wrote:Really? I havn't seen those notes. Do you have a link?
cba to dig it out. It was a while ago.
WAT. Anyone can confirm this?
"Well, once there was only chaos. You ask me, order's winning". - Grandmaster Siegfried Trappenfeld

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Re: Blackguard Builds

Post#242 » Thu Mar 28, 2019 8:36 pm

any thoughts of full Anguish including M4? In SnB mode with little bit of damage. Small scale/solo?
Next stop? The frontline ...
Tiamath - RR83 Blackguard, Khaladh of Kar Khadath Regiment.

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Re: Blackguard Builds

Post#243 » Fri Apr 26, 2019 5:03 am

My BG is currently 38/41 and I often find myself just roaming around in zones when it's quiet by myself or with a friend or two. Yes, I frequently get smashed by higher level people or just numbers but it's fun to do from time to time. I'm currently running in the Crimson Death / Hastened doom combo to be of some use to a WB but I was thinking of something like - Black Guard with S/B for more control and a bit of self sustain, though I'm not sure which other tactics to take and if it would be any good so I'm looking for advice from more experienced Black Guards.

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Re: Blackguard Builds

Post#244 » Fri Apr 26, 2019 6:59 pm

All posts that you can find here will guide you completely to the handle of the final phase.
I have not read all of them but I have not been able to reproach them.

First of all, I would like to say that in my opinion the blackguard class is strewn with many paths and styles of the game, everyone can get it to each other so that it will find the fun of playing this class.

For 8 years of my experience with this class I managed to learn in terms of many styles, and I want to say that the new players would not be afraid to try everything that at least makes you think "Oh, it can be cool, let's try" + many combinations are related also with the things we have, so I recommend farming as much as possible and do not be afraid to even combine things that can be useless but still fun (unless you play in a serious group that asks you for a specific style, it's better that you know it.)
As I said in this topic you will find all the stereotypical builds that will always be good and you must learn them in the process of learning about the world.

Secondly, for any new player wanting to play with a blackguard, it is necessary to experience the game with a ranged class such as a magus, and that's why, above all, I will discuss the reason for roam and rvr here.
The point is that it is necessary to feel the distance to just such a range klass, to quickly feel when you need to hide and quickly convert to know that in case you do not get the magnets of other players. It is a very elitist skill that is acquired by learning about class, your strength, which grows with experience.

As for the blackguard scheme of the game in a shield or two-handed, I think that in the topic you will find enough explanations about positioning and the combo of your skills = big text wall ;)

Unlike other tanks, blackguard is the smallest and fastest, the most skilful and the best-thinking. one who is just as fast on the very front as well as on his own backside, to protect healers, but mostly stays behind.

And now add all the tanks tools to it.

This is not a class that can be described in a simplified way, at least as for me, because I love her very much. As for the combo skills, I could write a beautiful wall of text, but unfortunately I do not want anymore, I have too much knowledge. Please check the topic.


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Ghoztz Eliminati

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Re: Blackguard Builds

Post#245 » Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:30 pm

So, I was thinking of using the following build: ... lack Guard

This is in hopes of becoming slightly more tanky to stay on the front lines a bit longer (and subsequently keeping my guard in play longer) without giving my healer too many grey hairs... However, I know that I am giving up my outgoing heal debuff to do this as well as the auto-detaunt from Anguish.

Do you all feel that 2h BG is tanky enough without the %Parry tactic and the Toughtness tactic to perform their job as DPS assist tank? (meaning I could go into Anguish instead)?

This is the other build option I was considering: ... lack Guard

Also, since I am still leveling up my BG (I just came back to RoR) I would love some advice on the best way to spec while leveling up (with a 2H). Thank you in advance!
Last edited by Szeff on Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Blackguard Builds

Post#246 » Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:35 pm

You cant learn your class if you going to ask "should i cover under this rock or not"
Just get in the build, get the group, learn the positioning, and try it.

builds arent such importnat as basic skills, you better setup them right. to get quickly buffed and quickly occasionally debuff enemys. unless u going heal debuff and u just jumping from heal to heal puttint x3 mind killer on them.

NP mate i dont like to repeat myself, check topic and enjoy. :)
and do not break down, if something does not go as you wanted, blackguard in the course of cognition is a very massophysical class, because it is not too tough, just combine.
Français, Françaises, j'arrive en caisse
If you're an astronaut, say hello to my Ego there.

Ghoztz Eliminati

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